DREAMS: Particle Deposition Computational Model for ChildREn Airways with Mucus Surface

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The prevalence of inflammatory upper airways diseases is estimated around 20% of the worldwide population. These pathologies damagethe life quality of approximate 1000 millions of people suffering that problem implies a huge economical cost.

Today existing treatments do not offer enough efficacy to successfully fight these diseases. It should be noted that the immunological immaturity present in the child,patients subject to research, favours an increase in the susceptibility to suffer infections, affecting health due to their greater frequency and duration. These infections represent the main reason for consultation. Like in many other fields of medicine, the search for solutions in other multidisciplinary areas based on mathematics, physics and computations knowledge is a growing trend.

The DREAMS project is another example demonstrating how these different knowledge areas can converge to provide better life quality to the society.In particular, the idea of DREAMS project is to improve the efficacy of the intranasal drugs applied to inflammatory upper airwaysrespiratory diseases, as well as improve the diagnoses of these diseases. We'd like to remark not only the social impact of this project dueto the high prevalence of these diseases, but also due to its innovative and disruptive character.
