Portafoli de Patents
- A Computer-implemented and Reference-free Method for Identifying Variants in Nucleic Acid Sequences
- Accessing Data Stored in a Database System
- Data Transfer Optimized Software Cache for Irregular Memory References
- Device for Controlling the Access to a Cache Structure
- Distributed Data Structures for Sliding Window Aggregation or Similar Applications - LICENSED
- Distributed Indexes - LICENSED
- Fog Computing Systems and Methods - LICENSED
- Improved Memory System
- Linearly Arranged Complete Interconnection Networks
- Managing Task Dependency
- Markers of Prediction of Response to Car T Cell Therapy
- Method for Adaptive Routing in Hierarchical Networks
- Method for Optimizing the Management of a Flow of Data
- Method for Sequence Alignment Optimization
- Method for the Computation of a a Narrow Bit Width Linear Algebra Operation
- Method of Exploring the Flexibility of Macromolecular Targets and its Use in Rational Drug Design - LICENSED
- Method, Mechanism and Computer Program Product for Executing Several Tasks in a Multithreaded Processor and for Providing Estimates for Worst-case Execution Times
- Methods and Devices for Discovering Multiple Instances of Recurring Values within a Vector with an Application to Sorting Vectors
- Multithreaded Processor and a Mechanism and a Method for Executing one Hard Real-time Task in a Multithreaded Processor
- p38α Autophosphorylation Inhibitors