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ca/research-and-development/publications/steered-q...Data: 04/09/2024
ca/research-and-development/publications/building-...Data: 04/09/2024
BSC in the Media. Source: Política & ProsaData: 04/09/2024
BSC in the Media. Source: Diari AraData: 04/09/2024
ca/node/64211Data: 04/09/2024El consorci El BSC-CNS es va constituir l’any 2005 i és un consorci públic format pel Govern espanyol, la Generalitat de Catalunya i la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech (UPC). Aquesta és la participació de les parts al consorci:...The consortium ...
Directors’ presentation We would like to know what subjects you are interested in so as to incorporate them in the directors’ presentation of the centre. Deadline Exceeded
We would like you to make short, attractive presentations (6 minutes) so all the BSC staff know what you do. ...
ca/noticies/noticies-del-bsc/participaci%C3%B3-des...Data: 03/09/2024Coincidint amb el seu 25è aniversari, la Societat Europea de Meteorologia celebra la seva reunió anual, considerada la trobada d’experts meteoròlegs i climatòlegs més important d’Europa, a l’Edifici Històric de la Universitat de Barcelo...The Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center is heavily represented at the event, showcasing cutting-edge research in climatology and meteorology conducted at the center. ...