Cursos PATC Passats

Dilluns, 16 Juliol, 2018 al Divendres, 20 Juliol, 2018

On its ninth edition, the Programming and tUning Massively Parallel Systems summer school (PUMPS) premiers a brand-new "+AI" design, offering researchers and graduate students a unique opportunity to improve their skills with cutting-edge techniques and hands-on experience in developing and tuning applications for many-core processors with massively parallel computing resources like GPU accelerators, with more content devoted to artificial intelligence.

Divendres, 11 Maig, 2018

Started in 2011, the Mont-Blanc project leverages the fast growing market of mobile technology for scientific computation. During the project, several ARM-based computational platforms have been deployed and configured as production systems for HPC. In this course the Mont-Blanc consortium open these platforms to the public enabling ARM in general HPC.

Dimecres, 09 Maig, 2018 al Dijous, 10 Maig, 2018

Dilluns, 07 Maig, 2018 al Dimarts, 08 Maig, 2018

Dilluns, 16 Abril, 2018 al Divendres, 20 Abril, 2018

Dijous, 12 Abril, 2018 al Divendres, 13 Abril, 2018

Dilluns, 09 Abril, 2018 al Dimarts, 10 Abril, 2018

Dijous, 22 Març, 2018 al Divendres, 23 Març, 2018

Dimecres, 14 Març, 2018 al Dijous, 15 Març, 2018
