MNHACK19: 2nd MareNostrum Hackathon

Data: 04/Nov/2019 Time: 10:00 - 06/Nov/2019 Time: 20:00

Sala Àgora (plaça Telecos, Hall Building B3) Campus Nord UPC

Cost: Free of charge. With support of the European project called EPEEC.

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Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) will organize this hackathon, sponsored by the EPEEC project in collaboration with POP2.

Topics: We can help on optimizing applications using a variety of programming models (OpenMP, OmpSs, MPI, CUDA, OpenACC, etc.). We also have mentors from many disciplines, including computer scientists and domain scientists. We will make sure we have the right mentors for you in case your application is selected. Note that this is not a GPU-only hackathon.

Teams: Teams are expected to be composed of 2 to 4 developers.

Platform: The MareNostrum4 Supercomputer at BSC

Mentors: Mentors will be provided by BSC and third-party institutions free of charge for participants.

Registration: Free of charge. Participants are responsible for their travels to the meeting venue and accommodation.

Times: Monday 10:00 – Wednesday 20:00

Meals: Lunches and one dinner will be served free of cost to participants.

Social event: There will be a visit to the MareNostrum4 supercomputer in the chapel building on 6 Nov 2019 at 18:00.

Social dinner: 5 Nov 2019

For any further information, please send an email to mnhack[at]

BSC's Organizing Committee:

  • General Chairs: Antonio J. Peña and David Vicente
  • Local Organization Committee: Susana Vaquero and Rose Gregorio
  • Selection Committee: Eduard Ayguadé (Chair), Antonio J. Peña, David Vicente, Xavier Teruel


*Registration deadline: 30 Sep 2019

**Teams that are accepted to MNHACK19 will receive an e-mail with more details. 

Acknowledgements: This hackathon has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 749516 and 801051.