Mary Kate Chessey

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Mary Kate Chessey joined the Education & Training team in December 2023 after a postdoctoral research position in the BSC Fusion Group 2021-2023. Her professional background is in physics and physics education research, including teaching experience in introductory university physics for life sciences majors. Her current work includes a mixture of supporting coordinated European HPC+ training activities as part of the CASTIEL2 and EuroCC2 projects, and contributing to the BSC PhD training programme through instruction and serving on the Organising Committee of the Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium.
Before moving to Barcelona in 2020, Dr. Chessey studied and worked in the USA in physics departments at the University of Maryland College Park as part of the Living Physics Portal project, the University of California Davis as a PhD student, and Drexel University in Philadelphia for a bachelor's degree in physics. She frequently participates in women in physics mentoring and in groups that aim to change biased policies, especially due to racism and sexism, in technical workplaces.