Alfonso Valencia

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TransBioNet was created in 2018 as part of the mission of the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) to increase the translational impact of its activities in the Spanish National Health System (SNS). TransBioNet was born as an initiative open to all bioinformatics units and groups that develop their activity in hospital environments. Initially, the network was...

This project aims at supporting and enhancing modern oncology, by implementing a cultural, technological and legal integrated framework (EUCANCan) across Europe and Canada, for the efficient analysis, management and sharing of cancer genomic data. This cooperative framework is not only expected to immediately contribute to improve biomedical research in cancer, but to also...

Aquesta projecte uneix un consorci format pels centres de recerca que alberguen els principals grups de bioinformàtica que estan impulsant i liderant projectes dirigits a dissenyar, avaluar i, en última instància, implantar la infraestructura necessària en entorns clínics com un clar component de la medicina personalitzada a Catalunya. Per...

The life sciences are undergoing a transformation. Modern experimental tools study the molecules, reactions, and organisation of life in unprecedented detail. The precipitous drop in costs for high-throughput biology has enabled European research laboratories to produce an everincreasing amount of data.

Life scientists are rapidly generating the most...
