
Showing 31 - 40 results of 75

PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing is the permanent pan-European High Performance Computing service providing world-class systems for world-class science. Systems at the highest performance level (Tier-0) are deployed by Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland, providing researchers with more than 17 billion core hours of compute time. HPC experts from 25...

Life Sciences have become increasingly digital and this is accelerating. Computational techniques play key roles in processing, analysis and generating new knowledge from experiments, even in replacing them. This has been enabled due to tremendous advances in techniques such as docking and molecular simulations at both atomistic and quantum levels to which world-leading...

The Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence (EoCoE) applies cutting-edge computational methods in its mission to accelerate the transition to the production, storage and management of clean, decarbonized energy. EoCoE is anchored in the High Performance Computing (HPC) community and targets research institutes, key commercial players and SMEs who develop and enable...

The path towards exascale computing holds enormous challenges for the community of weather and climate modelling regarding portability, scalability and data management that can hardly be faced by individual institutes. ESiWACE2 will therefore link, organise and enhance Europe's excellence in weather and climate modelling to 

  • enable leading European weather...

The EPI SGA1 project will be the first phase of the European Processor Initiative FPA, whose aim is to design and implement a roadmap for a new family of low-power European processors for extreme scale computing, high-performance Big-Data and a range of emerging applications. EPI SGA1 will:

  • Develop the roadmap for the full length of the EPI...

Engineering applications will be among the first exploiting exascale, not only in academia but also industry. In fact, theindustrial engineering field is the industrial field with the highest exascale potential, thus EXCELLERAT brings together thenecessary European expertise to establish a Centre of Excellence in Engineering with a broad service portfolio, paving...

The main goal of MaX is to allow the pre-exascale and exascale computers expected in Europe in the 2020s to meet the demands of a large and growing base of researchers committed to materials discovery and design. This goal will be achieved through:

  • an innovative software development model, based on the concept of separation of concerns, that will enable...

This project aims to establish a Center of Excellence to prepare flagship codes and enable services for Exascale supercomputing in the area of Solid Earth (SE). ChEESE will harness European institutions in charge of operational monitoring networks, tier-0 supercomputing centers, academia, hardware developers and third-parties from SMEs, Industry and public-governance.

EPEEC's main goal is to develop and deploy a production-ready parallel programming environment that turns upcoming overwhelmingly-heterogeneous exascale supercomputers into manageable platforms for domain application developers. The consortium will significantly advance and integrate existing state-of-the-art components based on European technology (programming models, runtime systems, and...

ESCAPE-2 will develop world-class, extreme-scale computing capabilities for European operational numerical weather and climate prediction, and provide the key components for weather and climate domain benchmarks to be deployed on extreme-scale demonstrators and beyond. This will be achieved by developing bespoke and novel mathematical and algorithmic concepts, combining them...
