BSC-CNS Newsletter November 2023

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Newsletter
NEWSLETTER November 2023

BSC and CCCB co-produce the exhibition 'AI: Artificial Intelligence' to bring this revolutionary technology to the general public

The exhibition looks at the history, functioning, creative possibilities and ethical and legislative challenges of AI today, as well as the enormous opportunities it presents for scientific and biomedical research. BSC and UPC researcher Jordi Torres is the scientific adviser. You can visit the exhibition until 17 March 2024.

BSC scientists create artificial protein capable of degrading microplastics in bottles

Scientists from BSC, together with research groups from the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry of the CSIC (ICP-CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), have developed artificial proteins capable of degrading PET microplastics and nanoplastics and reducing them to their essential components, which would allow them to be broken down or recycled. The results are published in the journal Nature Catalysis.

The climate crisis could trigger the outbreak of new and lethal infectious diseases

BSC and IRB Barcelona researchers identify the mechanisms by which a yeast that belongs to the Candida family has acquired characteristics that make it a potential pathogen for humans. In fungi, hybridisation is a shortcut that makes it easier for these microorganisms to adapt to the human body and infect it. This work has been published in Nature Communications.

BSC participates in the new WMO report on the health risks of climate change

BSC, through its Global Health Resilience team, is the only research centre in Spain to contribute to the WMO’s report on climate services, which this year focuses on human health. "We need accessible tools that facilitate effective communication of complex historical, current and projected trends in climate and health," says BSC researcher Rachel Lowe.

BSC studies changes in species distribution in Pacific islands due to climate change

The MOANA project, led by BSC researcher Ariadna Mecho, aims to study the impact of climate change on some marine species in this delicate and unknown area of the planet. MOANA will make it possible to obtain maps on the current and future distribution of 10 species of ecological and socioeconomic importance for the islands.

HealthyCloud project unveils its roadmap to maximise the impact of health data and research across Europe

The HealthyCloud project, an EU Coordinated and Support Action, held its final event and presented its visionary and inclusive Strategic Agenda that sets the elements for establishing a European Health Research and Innovation Cloud (HRIC) that will facilitate access and sharing of health-related data services for researchers. This final event was held as a satellite event within the framework of the Conference on Personalised Medicine.

EOSC4Cancer: creating a European digital infrastructure to accelerate cancer research

BSC presented the EOSC4Cancer roadmap at the first General Assembly of the project, which aims to implement a sustainable infrastructure for hosting and analysing cancer-related data across Europe. The event brought together more than 80 participants from over 13 countries with the aim of discussing the main actions carried out during the first year of the project and for strategizing a concrete action plan for the next six-months.

BSC contributes to the creation of Cancer Image Europe platform

The EUCAIM consortium, of which BSC is a member, and the European Commission have announced the first public release of its platform, Cancer Image Europe, marking a major milestone in the project’s development. The first platform release brings benefits to researchers, clinicians and AI innovators across Europe and paves the way for the future of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Innovation and social responsibility, keys to improving the welfare of citizens in the digital age

BSC and Ciencia Viva, the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, organised the 6th edition of the Gago Conference on Science Policy. Under the title "How can supercomputing and the use of digital twins contribute to shaping our common future in times of growing uncertainty and instability” the event was part of the events of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2023.

BSC opens applications for 8 predoctoral INPhINIT- “la Caixa” fellowships

BSC offers 8 predoctoral positions in this edition of the Doctoral Fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”. The selected candidates will have the opportunity of joining BSC’s research groups. The doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”- Incoming Call is devoted to attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory.

Mercè Crosas, elected new President of the Committee on Data of the International Science Council

Mercè Crosas, head of Computational Social Sciences at BSC, has been elected new President of CODATA, the Committee on Data of the International Science Council (ISC), during the General Assembly held in Salzburg and online on 27 and 28 October. Crosas is the first female president of CODATA since it was formed in 1966. CODATA’s mission is to connect data and people to advance science as a global public good by promoting international collaboration to advance Open Science.

The new Mateo Valero Prize recognizes contribution to HPC research in Latin America and the Caribbean

The director of BSC received the first award named after him, presented by the Advanced Computing System for Latin America and the Caribbean in conjunction with the CARLA Conference. The prize recognises an individual who has made significant, continuing contributions to research in high-performance computing collaboration with Latin America and Caribbean Partners. The prize has been established in 2023 and only Mateo Valero has been awarded, precisely giving its name to the award.

Mateo Valero receives the Sesé Foundation Talent Award in the first edition of these prizes

The director of the BSC receives this award that seeks to recognise and encourage the work, in different areas, of high-impact people, projects, companies and organisations. Valero is recognised for his brilliant career and international projection, and his commitment to his homeland. The Sesé Foundation Awards, in their first edition, have recognised the Saica Group and the brothers Miguel and Prudencio Indurain, in the categories of Talent, Commitment and Alliances, respectively.

Mitiga Solutions, awarded best start-up of 2023 at the D+I Innovation Awards

The spin-off of BSC Mitiga Solutions has been selected best start-up of 2023 at the D+I Innovation Awards, organised by the specialised website El Español-Invertia. Mitiga uses advanced mathematical models, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing to develop technology that improves prevention, resilience and adaptability to climate-related risks.

Coming up
10 NOV 2023 BSC Earth Sciences Open Day Location: BSC
12 NOV 2023 BSC at SC23 Location: Denver (USA)
26 NOV 2023 BSC- EMBO Workshop: Computational models of life: From molecular biology to digital twins Location: Eden Roc Mediterranean Hotel & Spa Punta de Port Salvi (Sant Feliu de Guíxols)
29 NOV 2023 AI Meets Cancer Research Symposium Location: UPC (Barcelona)
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