Veronica Martin Gomez

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2021–Present. Research Scientist. Earth Science Department. Climate Variability and Change. Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Spain.

2019–2021. Postdoctoral researcher. Departamento de Física de la Tierra y Astrofísica. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spain.

2017–2019. Postdoctoral researcher. Atmospheric Science Department. Universidad de la República, Montevideo. Uruguay.


2017. PhD, Physics, Universidad de la República. Montevideo. Uruguay.
2012. MSc, Geophysics and Meteorology, Complutense University. Madrid. Spain.
2011. BSc, Physics, Complutense University. Madrid. Spain.



Rodriguez-Fonseca et al. (2024). ENSO Impact on marine ecosystems and fisheries in the tropical and South Atlantic. Submitted to Nature reviews

Martín - Gómez V, Rodriguez-Fonseca B, Polo I and Martín-Rey M. (2024).Observed global mean state changes modulating the collective influence of the tropical Atlantic and Indian oceans on ENSO. Accepted in Journal of Climate

Martín – Gómez V, Roprich-Robert Y, Tourigny E, Bernardello R, Samso Cabre M, Donat M, Ortega P. (2023).  Large spread in the inteannual Variance of the atmopsheric CO2 concentration across CMIP6 Earth System Models. npj-climate and atmospheric sciences. DOI:

Martín – Gómez V, Mohino E, Rodríguez – Fonseca B, Sánchez - Gómez E. (2022). Understanding Sahelian rainfall prediction skill in NMME seasonal forecast. Climate dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-022-06263-8 .

Martín – Gómez V, Rodríguez – Fonseca B, Aliganga JM. (2021). Complex Networks approach for detecting collective tropical interactions. Special Edition of CLIVAR Exchanges dedicated to TBI. Clivar Exchanges No, 80. June 2021. DOI: 10.36071/clivar.80.2021.

Martín–Gómez, V., Barreiro, M., Losada, T., & Rodríguez–Fonseca, B. (2020). Southern Hemisphere Circulation anomalies and impacts over Subtropical South America due to different El Niño flavors. International Journal of Climatology. 40(14), 6201-6218.

Martín-Gómez, V., Barreiro, M., & Mohino, E. (2020). Southern Hemisphere Sensitivity to ENSO Patterns and Intensities: Impacts over Subtropical South America. Atmosphere11(1), 77.

Martín-Gómez, V., & Barreiro, M. (2020). The influence of nonlinearities and different SST spatial patterns on the summertime anomalies in subtropical South America during strong ENSO events. Climate Dynamics, 1-15.

Martín-Gómez, V., & Barreiro, M. (2017). Effect of future climate change on the coupling between the tropical oceans and precipitation over Southeastern South America. Climatic change141(2), 315-329.

Martín-Gómez, V., Hernández-García, E., Barreiro, M., & López, C. (2016). Interdecadal variability of southeastern South America rainfall and moisture sources during the austral summertime. Journal of Climate29(18), 6751-6763.

MartínGómez, V., & Barreiro, M. (2016). Analysis of oceans' influence on spring time rainfall variability over Southeastern South America during the 20th century. International Journal of Climatology36(3), 1344-1358.

>Participation in research projects

1) Name of the project: Improving Near term climate predictions for social transition (Impetus4Change). Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. (12/2023 – present)

2) Name of the project: Climate Carbon – Interactions in the Current Century (4C). Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. (12/2021 – 12/2023)

3) Name of the project: REduced Surface bias climate PredictiON SystEm (ReSPonSe). Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. (12/2021 – 12/2023)

4) Name of the project: South and tropical Atlantic climate – based marine ecosystem prediction for sustainable management (TRIATLAS)Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. (07/2019 – 31/12/2020)

5) Name of the project: Predictability of Climate in the Atlantic Sector (Pre4cast). Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. (23/04/2019 – 30/06/2020)

6) Name of the project: Influence of the tropical ocean in the trajectories of the transients over South America. Universidad de la República, Uruguay. (15/03/2017 – 15/03/2019)

7) Name of the project: Learning about Interacting Networks in Climate (LINC). Universidad de la República, Uruguay.(30/10/2012 – 30/10/2015)


> University teaching experience

1) Course: Climatology (theory, 4hrs/week). Degree: Atmospheric Sciences degree. Periods: 08/2016 – 12/2016, 08/2017 – 12/2017 and 08/2018 – 12/2018. University: Universidad de la República, Uruguay

2) Course: The Climate System (Practical part). Degree: Master in Geosciences. Periods:  03/2017 – 07/2017 and 03/2018 – 07/2018. University: Universidad de la República, Uruguay

3) Course: Implementation and use of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) to study climate variability. (Theory and practice). Degree: Master in Geosciences and PhD in Geosciences. Period: 12/08/2019 – 16/08/2019. University: Universidad de la República, Uruguay.

4) Course: Experimentos de Sensibilidad con Speedy (Simplified Parametrization, primitivE Equation DYnamics). Degree: Master in Meteorology and Geophysics. Period: 16/11/2021. University: Complutense Univsersity of Madrid, Spain.


> Experience supervising master students and summer internships

1) Master thesis title: Tropical Oceans interactions in CMIP6 models. Student name: Victor Manuel Holguera Maya. Co-supervised with: Belén Rodriguez-Fonseca and Marta Martín-Rey. University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Period: 09/2023– 09/2024

2) Summer Internship: Interconnection between Pacific and Atlantic basins. Student name: Anis Bettira. Co-supervised with: Yohan Ruprich. Center: Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain. Period: 07/2023– 09/2023

3) Master thesis title: Impacts of the Atlantic El Niño event. Student name: Alba Santos. Co-supervised with: Irene Polo. University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Period: 09/2021– 09/2022

4) Master thesis title: Interconectividad de los océanos tropicales durante el periodo 1880 - 2017. Student name: José María Aliganga Agomaa. Co-supervised with: Mª Belén Rodríguez - Fonseca. University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Period: 09/2019 – 09/2020

5) Master thesis title: Variabilidad Climática en la región del Sahel. Student name: Guillermo Lozano Hurtado. Co-supervised with: Elsa Mohino Harris. University: Univseridad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. Period: 09/2019 – 09/2020

> Participation in Teaching innovation projects
1) Project title: Meteolab como herramienta educativa de Meteorología en el Aula (2020). Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
2) Project title: Creación derecursos prácticos y digitales de meteorología y clima a través de Meteolab. (2022). Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.