Severo Ochoa Research Seminars
Speaker: Rossano Schifanella, Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Turin and Researcher at ISI Foundation
Host: Patricio Reyes, Data Pre&Post Processing Established Researcher, CASE, BSC
Speaker: Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos, postdoctoral researcher in the Human(e) AI project at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and research associate in the Digital Media and Society Observatory (DMSO) at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Brazil.
Host: Dario Garcia Gasulla, Artificial Intelligence Associated Researcher, CS, BSC
Speaker: Nathan Lenssen, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC)
Host: Angel Garikoitz Munoz Solorzano, Climate Services ES group Established Researcher, ES, BSC
Speaker: Anna Monreale is Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa
Host: Prof. Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS, BSC and Coordinator of the Master in Artificial Intelligence (UPC,UB,URV)
Speaker: Jazmín Aguado, Biomechanics Group Senior PostDoc, CASE, BSC
Host: Mª José Rementeria, Social Link Analytics unit leader, LS, BSC
Speaker: Laurel DiSera, The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI). Columbia University Climate School. New York, USA. and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (DEES). Columbia University. New York, USA
Host: Angel Garikoitz Munoz Solorzano, Climate Services ES group Established Researcher, ES, BSC
Speaker: Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental, Health Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
Host: Oriol Jorba, Leading Researcher, Atmpospheric Composition Group, Earth Sciences
Speaker: Sergi Alcaide, Operating System / Computer Architecture Interface Junior Research Engineer, CS, BSC
Host: Leonidas Kosmidis, Operating System / Computer Architecture Interface Senior Researcher, CS, BSC
Speaker: Alex Rico, Principal AI Processor Architect at AMD
Host: Miquel Moretó, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC
Speaker: Frank Dignum, Professor of Socially-Aware AI at Umeå University and an Associate Professor at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of the Utrecht University
Host: Prof. Ulises Cortés, High Performance Artificial Intelligence Group Manager, CS, BSC and Coordinator of the Master in Artificial Intelligence (UPC,UB,URV)