Computational Biology

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Cancer's complex nature requires integrating advanced research data across national boundaries to enable progress. Indeed, the Horizon Europe mission board for cancer has identified access to data, knowledge and digital services - accessible across the European Research Area through federated infrastructures - as a key enabling condition for...

A growing number of applications rely on AI-based solutions to carry-out mission-critical tasks, many of which are of temporal nature, dealing with ever-evolving flows of information. Crucial for mitigating threats and taking advantage of opportunities in such domains, is the ability to forecast imminent situations and critical complex events ahead of time. EVENFLOW will...

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of mortality worldwide, accounting for about a third of annual deaths. Refusing structured and unstructured data has the potential for significant health benefits for the population suffering from CVD. Healthcare data reuse in Europe faces privacy and fragmentation issues, high data formats and language diversity, and a...

La IA tiene el potencial de mejorar la salud de las personas, acelerar la investigación clínica y biomédica para responder a preguntas científicas y retos en el sector de sanitario, así como proveer de servicios asistenciales más eficientes y reducir costes de forma sustancial. Sin embargo, no podemos explotar este potencial porque,...
