- RoMoL, Riding on Moore’s Law. EU-FP7 “Ideas” European Research Council. ERC- 321253. Years 2013-2018.
- HiPEAC-3. Network of Excellence on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers. EU-FP7. ICT- 287759. Years 2011-2014.
- RISC, Ibero-American network of Supercomputing. Coordinator.EU-FP7. ICT-288883. Years: 2011-2014.
- HiPEAC-2. Network of Excellence on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers. IST217068. Years 2007-2011.
- SARC: “A Performance System for Scalable Computing”. Co-responsible. IST project. Years 2005-2008.
- DEISA. Distributed Europen Infrastructures for Supercomputer Applications. Co-responsible. IST project.Years 2005-2008.
- HiPEAC. Network of Excellence on High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers. IST- 004408. Years 2004-2008.
- Access to CESCA and CEPBA largE Scale facilitieS-2. Contract number: HPRI-2001-CT-0011. Years 2002-2004
- ACCESS: Access to the Large Scale Facility on Supercomputers CESCA-CEPBA. Responsible. Years 2001-2003.
- CIRI. Cooperation between IBM and CEPBA. Responsible. Years 2000-2004.
- MHAOTEU. Co-responsible. ESPRIT Long-Term Research project. Years 1998-2001.
- CEPBA Technology Transfer Node. Co-responsible Years 1997-2000.
- NANOS. Co-responsible. ESPRIT Long-Term Research Project. 1996-1999.
- PROMENWIR. Co-responsible. ESPRIT IT Project Years 1996-1998.
- PARALIN Co-responsible. European collaboration with Latin-america. Years 1996-1997.
- PARANDES. Co-responsible. European collaboration with Latin-america. Years 1996-1997.
- CORDIAL.Co-responsible. European collaboration with Latin-america under the Alfa Program. Years 1996-1997.
- Training and Mobility of Researchers. Years 1995 to 2000.
- PECOS. Human Capital and Mobility Program for European East Countries. Years 1994-1995.
- PACOS: Parallel Computing Initiative for Spain. Co-responsible. European Parallel Computing Initiative. Years 1994-1996.
- PCI-II. Parallel Computing Initiative (PCI) for Spain (PACOS) and for Italy (CAPRI). Co-responsible. ESPRIT 9602. March 1996 to October 1998
- Human Capital and Mobility Program. Years 1993-1996.
- APPARC. “Performance-Critical Applications of Parallel Architectures”. Responsible. ESPRIT Long-Term Research Project.Years 1992-1995.
- IDENTIFY. “Interactive Design in Fluids using a Network of Transputers”. Co-responsible. IT European ESPRIT Project. Years 1992-1994.
- SHIPS. “Supercomputer Highly Parallel system”. Co-responsible. IT European ESPRIT Project.Years 1992-1994.
- SEPIA “Software for Multiprocessor Systems with Distributed Memory”. Responsible. European Basic Research Project. Years 1989-1990.
- GENESIS. European Supercomputer. Years 1990-1992.
- Supernode II. Co-responsible. IT European ESPRIT Project. Years 1989-1991.
- Technology for ATD. Co-responsible. European IT RACE Project. Years 1988-1991.
- “Systolic Array Processors Oriented to Matrix Operations”. Responsible. Contract with Telefonica. Year 1986.
- “Software for Digital Signal Processing”. Co-responsible. European Space Agency. Year 1986.