4. Other Honours

Member of the Jury of the Research Awards of the L’Oreal – Unesco Program “For Women in Science” Edition XVIII, 2023-2024.
Member of "The Trillion Parameter Consortium" (TPC), November 2023.
Plenary member of the Infrastructure Advisory Committee of Barcelona City Council. October 24, 2023  
Member of the Evaluation Committee of the IEEE CS Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award at SC'23, Denver. November 2023
Member of the Group of Experts of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Digital Transformation of Microelectronics and Semiconductors Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. Madrid, July 2023

Member of the Committee of "Taula de l'aliança de semiconductors i Xips de Catalunya". June 2023

Member of the Strategic Committee of the PSIA (Paris School of International Affairs). May 2022

Member of the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) Advisory Council  December 2022.

Special Category Guest Professor of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Cuba. November 2022.

Member of the Universidad Camilo Jose Cela's Board.  March 2022.

Member of the selection committee for the IEEE CS Seymour Cray Computer Engineering Award to be presented at SC'21 ,St. Louis, Novembre 2021.

Honorary member of the “Golden Anniversary Committee” at ICPP (International Conference on Parallel Processing),Chicago, August 2021.

Member of the evaluation panel for the scientific technical area of Scientific Computing at CIEMAT, May 2021.
Member of the International Scientific Board IFAB Foundation (International Foundation Big Data & Artificial Intelligence for Human Development), March 2021 - April 2023.

Member of “Consell Acadèmic Assessor de l’Agenda 2030 de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona”, 2020.

Member of “Consell Empresarial/Científic de la Fundació BIT Habitat de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona”,2020.

Member of “Consell Consultiu del Pacte Nacional per a la Societat del Coneixement", 20 september 2019.

Member of the Steering Committee for PACT 2020Parallel Architectures and Compiler Technologies, Georgia Tech, 2019.

Miembro de la Liga de Científicos: “Men for Women in Science”
L’oreal. November 2018.

Miembro de Honor del Comité Científico del Congreso GR22
Conferencia Internacional sobre Relatividad Generay y Gravitación. Valencia, Spain, July 7-12th, 2019.

Member of the Committee for the IEEE Seymour Cray Award
presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Year 2018.

Member of the Committee for the “Bob Rau” Award
presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Year 2018.

Member of the external Scientific Advisory Committee of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. July 2018.

Benefactor of the graduation of the 2018 promotion from Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza. May, 2018.

Club de Roma. Member of the spanish association. From December 2017.

Member of the Committee for the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award,Year 2017.

IPDPS Recognition Award. IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Sympsium. Orlando, Florida. June, 2017.

  • Top-10 finalist of the Global Energy Award. The honorees are awarded the Global Energy Prize at the International Economic Forum in St Petersburg.
    Year 2017.
  • Foundational member of the IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community (STC) on “Parallel Model & System: DataFlow and Beyond”Since January 2017.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of  XXVIII Parallelism ConferenceMálaga, September 19-22, 2016.
  • IEEE-Micro. Certificate of AppreciationIn grateful recognition of your contributionas Editorial Board Member for IEEE Micro Journal
    Decemcer 2016.
  • Member of the Committee for the Wallace McDowell Awardpresented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    Year 2016.
  • Business Council member of UPCUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya
    From November 2016
  • Member of the Steering Committee for SCSupercomputing Conference, Utah
    November 2016. 
  • Member of ToTA (ACM Test of Time) Award Committee, recognizing papers from SC89 to SC06 that have profoundly influenced the discipline of High Performance Computing. 2016.
  • Member of the governing council of AEI, Spanish Research Agency. Since May 2016.
  • Member of the Committee for the IEEE Seymour Cray Award, Year 2016.
  • Member of the Committee for the IEEE Sidney Fernbach Award, Year 2016.
  • Member of the ACM Europe Advisory Board. Since May 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Bob Rau” Award, presented by IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Harry Goode” Award, presented by IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for the Wallace McDowell Award, presented by IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for ToTA, the ACM Test of Time Award, recognizing papers from SC88 to SC05 that have profoundly influenced the discipline of High Performance Computing. 2015.
  • Member of the Committee for the IEEE Fellow Committee. 2015.
  • Member of the Jury for the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award on Information and Telecommunication technologies. Madrid, January 2015.
  • Members of the Advisory Committee for the “50th Anniversary of the Telecommunications Engineering School Moncloa Campus, Madrid, March 2014.
  • Editor with Ulises Cortés. Special Issue of “Computational Intelligence”. Journal CyS (“Computación y Sistemas”). UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Vol 18, no. 4, 2014.
  • Member of the Steering Committee for the Workshop on Big Data in Biomedicine: Challenges and Opportunities. Organized by B-Debate, International Center for Scientific Debate. Barcelona, November 11-12th, 2014.
  • Member of the Advisory Committee for the 50th. Anniverssary of the School of Telecomunication Engineers of Madrid. October 2014.
  • Member of the Advisory Board for the Journal SUPERFRI: International Journal on Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. Since, May 2014.
  • Member of the Committee for the IEEE Fellow Committee. Year 2014.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Harry Goode” Award, presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Year 2014.
  • Member of the Committee for the Wallace McDowell Award, presented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Year 2014.
  • Member of the Committee for the George Michael Fellowship Award, presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Year 2014.
  • Member at large for the Steering Committee of the IEEE-ACM PACT Conference. International Conference on Parallel Architecures on Compiler Techniques. Since January 2014.
  • Honorary Chair. HPCS-2014. The International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation. Bologna, Italy, July 21-25, 2014.
  • Member of the Jury for the IEEE-TCSC Award, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Technical Committee on Scalable Computing. Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing. Year 2014.
  • Selected as one of the most important 25th Spanish Scientist of 2013. Newspaper El Mundo, January 2014.
  • Member of the Jury for the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award on Information and Telecommunication technologies. Madrid, January 2014.
  • Member of the “UPC´s Industrial Advisory Board” since June 2013.
  • Miembro del “Consell de Col-laboradors” de ICREA. Barcelona, April, 2013.
  • Member of the Committee for selecting the best paper ”Test and Time” Award, for the IEEE-ACM Supercomputing Conference. Year 2013.
  • Selected as one of the most important 25th Spanish Scientist of 2012. Newspaper El Mundo, January 2013.
  • Vice-president and member of the Committee of Associated Research Centers to UPC, representing Barcelona Supercomputing Center, since January 2013.
  • Member of the Jury for the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award on Information and Telecommunication technologies. Madrid, January 2013.
  • Member of the Committee for the evaluation of projects for the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation. February 2013.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of “Consejo Asesor de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación”. Generalitat de Cataluña (Government of Catalonia). Year 2012.
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Barcelona Knowledge Campus, representing UPC, Technical University of Catalonia, since September 2012.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Bob Rau” Award, presented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. November, 2012.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Harry Goode” Award, presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, November 2012
  • Member of the Committee for the Wallace McDowell Award, presented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, November 2012
  • Member of the Editorial Board for LITES, the Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systema, since July 2012.
  • Member of the IEEE TCPP Award Committee. Year 2012.
  • Member of the Board “UPC Alumni”. UPC, Technical University of Catalonia. Since February 2012.
  • Member of the Academy´s Board of Trustees of the EIA, European Alliance for Innovation Academy. Since 2012.
  • Member of the Advisory Board for the EU project SCC-Computing: strategic collaboration with China on super-computing.
  • Member of the Evaluation Committee Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2012, presented by Chalmers University.
  • Associate editor of the Journal IEEE Transactions on Computers, since October 2011.
  • Member of the IEEE Computer Society 2012 Fellows Evaluation Committee.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Bob Rau” Award, presented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Harry Goode” Award, presented by the IEEE, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • Member of the Committee for the Wallace McDowell Award, presented by the IEEE, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
  • Selected as one of the most important 25th Spanish Scientist of 2009. Newspaper El Mundo, January 2011.
  • Member of the Advisory Board for ISC 2010, the International Conference on Supercomputing. Hamburg, Germany, May 30, June 3, 2010.
  • Co-editor for the special issue of the IEEE Micro Journal: “Multicore and Europe”. September- Ocober 2010.
  • Godfather of the Graduation Ceremony for the students of the School of engineers in Terrassa. July 15th, 2010.
  • Chairman of the Committee to evaluate the projects on “Applications for Exaflops Supercomputers”, funded by the countries members of the G8 organization.
  • Selected as one of the most important 25th Spanish Scientist of 2009. Newspaper El Mundo, January 2010.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Research Center on Information and Communication technologies. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Since November 2009.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the UPM (Technical University of Madrid) Press, a Digital editorial. UPM, Madrid, since November 2009.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the CBBC, the Colombian National Center for Bioinformatics and Computacional Biology. June 2009.
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the City of Barcelona. April, 2009.
  • Member of the Executive Committee for the International Exascale Software Project (IESP), worldwide initiative oriented to the programming of the future Exaflops supercomputers. Since April 2009.
  • Chair of Gordon Bell Prize Committee that will award Gordon Bell Prize in 2009. This prize recognizes outstanding achievement in high performance computing (supercomputing) in several areas emphasizing innovation in applying HPC to applications in science. Portland, November 2009.
  • Selected as one of the most important 25th Spanish Scientist of 2008. Newspaper El Mundo, January 2009.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the company Miraveo, that creates infrastructure and applications for Spontaneous Area Networks through cell phones. Since December 2008.
  • Chair of Telefónica Scientific Advisory Board. Since November 2008.
  • Member of Advisory Board of the Spanish National Research Council, CSIC. Nominated by MEC, Education and Science Ministry. Since January 2008.
  • Member of the Jury that awarded the Prize of “Proyección Investigadora de la UPM”, Technical University of Madrid. Madrid, December 2008.
  • Member of Editor Board of the Magazine Scientific Programming. Special number of “Scientific Computing” on “High Performance Computing on Cell B.E. Processors”. December 2008.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Technical Telecommunication Engineering School of Barcelona. Since January 2008.
  • Member of Advisory Board of ISC (International Symposium on Supercomputing), since 2007.
  • Distinguish Engineer in Residence. Invitation to visit the Cockrell School of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin as the 2008 Distinguish Engineer in Residence. Austin, February 2008.
  • Member of the Steering Committee and Adviser for CIDC, “International Center for the Scientific Debate”, created by the Catalan Government. Since January de 2008.
  • Coordinator for the Workshop on “High-Performance Computing Systems”, organized by the European Union. Brussels, December, 17th, 2007
  • ISTAG member. ISTAG is an advisory board to the European Commission in the field of Information and Communication Technology. In addition, member of the working Group on Intenational Cooperation, InCo. Since October 2007.
  • Distinguished Lecturer for DSP, Distinguish Speakers Program of the ACM, “Association for Computer Machinery”. Since September 2007.
  • Member of the Jury of the Gordon Bell Awards, to recognize the efficiency of parallel applications executed in Supercomputers. Reno, November, 2007.
  • Coordinator for the Workshop on “High Performance Computers” organized by the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. Madrid, October 23th, 2007.
  • Main Speaker for the “Fiestas del Pilar” (The Mayor Festibity in Aragon) in Barcelona, organized by the Aragones Center in Barcelona, October 7th, 2007.
  • Colaborator of IACAT, Institute for Advanced Computing Applications and Technologies of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, UIUC, since May 2007.
  • Member of the Committee in charge of selecting the editor in chief of the Journal CAL, Computer Architecture Letters of the IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, May 2007.
  • Member of the Technical Advisory Board of CIAT, International Center for Research in High Technology, of the ITLA, the Institute of Technology Las Américas. Republican Of Dominica, April, 2007.
  • Member of the Advisory Board on HPC, "High Performance Computing Simulation Challengue”, EDF, Electricité de France, March, 2007.
  • Member od the Jury for the Awards of the RAI, Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering, February 2007.
  • Member of the “Promoter Council of the Science Year 2007”, from June 2006. Barcelona Council.
  • Evaluator for the IEEE Micro Journal special issue on Hotchips on Computer Architecture. December 2006.
  • Member of the Jury of the Seymour Cray Award, Reno, November 2007.
  • Associated Editor for the Journal IJHPS, "International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture" for InderScience Publisher. From June 2006.
  • Member of Technical Advisory Board in Nokia related to Computer Architecture, April 2006.
  • First research group that obtains a contract with Microsoft to investigate in Computers Architecture. The project is called: “Many-core Architectures” and the objective is the design for future chips. February 2006.
  • Jury member for the National Award on Computer Science, 2006.
  • STMicroelecrónica Technology Council member related to Computer Architecture, 2006.
  • Member of the Jury of the Seymour Cray Award, Tampa, November 2006.
  • General Vice-chair. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. Barcelona September, 25-28, 2006.
  • Member of the Steering Committee of the HiPEAC Conference, High Performance Embedded Applications and Architectures. Since December 2005.
  • Joint Editor, with Tom Conte, Nacho Navarro, Wen-mei W. Hwu and Theo Ungerer of HiPEAC Conference “High Performance Embedded Architecture and Compilers”. Lecture Notes on Computer Science, no. 3793. Barcelona, Spain, November 2005. ISBN 3-540-30317-0
  • Member of the Jury for the Spanish National Award “Julio Rey Pastor” for research in Mathematics and Information Technology and Communications. This prize was awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Madrid in October, 2005.
  • Evaluator for the IEEE Micro Journal special issue on Top-Picks on Computer Architecture. November 2005.
  • Member of the Advisory Technical Committee of the ConSentry company, dedicated to the design of network processors. Since July 2005.
  • Member of the Technical Advisory Board of Telefónica, since July 2005.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Micro Journal, since July 2005.
  • Distinguish Professor of CIC, Research Center on Computers. IPN, Polithecnic Institute of Mexico, since April 2005.
  • Associate Editor for the “Journal of High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilation Methods”. Since May 2005.
  • Member of the Jury for “L2-Cache Championship”. April 2005.
  • Member of the Steering Committee for ACACES, the Summer School of HiPEAC. Láquila, Italy, July 2005.
  • Gold Medal of the Computer Science Faculty of Barcelona, for 25 years of teaching. Barcelona, April 2005.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Foundation “Zaragoza, city of knowledge” created to potentiate the Expo-2008. Since April 2005.
  • Member of the Committee “Science and Technology” oriented to promote the collaboration between basic research and industry and promoted by COSCE (Association of the spanish Scientific Societies). Since January 2005.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Research on Computer Science”, the latinoamerican Journal on Computation. Since January 2005.
  • Member of the technical Board of Directors of Telefónica I+D. Since July 2005.
  • Coordinator of HiPEAC (High Peformance Embedded Architectures and Compilers). HiPEAC is a European Network of Excellence on research. All the European research groups with research and interest in these topics collaborate in the network. From September 2004 to September 2008.
  • Evaluator for the IEEE Micro Journal special issue on Top-Picks on Computer Architecture. August 2004.
  • Director of the Summer School “An Open Window to the future of the Computer Architecture”. Organized by the University of “Castilla La Mancha”. Albacete, July 7-9 2004.
  • Invited speaker for the Students Chapter of the ACM in Mexico. Inaugural lecture: “Kilo-instruction Processors”. Ciudad Madero, Méjico. May 2004.
  • Member of the Jury of the “Championship Branch Predictor Competition”. November 2004
  • Founding Member of the Consulting Committee “Championship Branch Predictor Competition”. This Championship is sponsored by Intel-MRL and by the IEEE Techincall Committee on Microarchitecture. Since July 2004.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the U.S. Company Tidal Networks, dedicated to the design of special purpose hardware for Internet security, since 2003.
  • Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, since May 2004. BSC is the National Center of Supercomputingnter. He promoted the creation of this center for several years.
  • Promoter of the ACA action. The “Advanced Computer Architecture” action was created as part of the FET (Future Emerging Technology) Program. FET is part of the IST program of the European Union.
  • Coordinator of the Spanish committee on E-science. This committeee was created by the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology. Since March 2004.
  • Member of the "Science and Engineering" consulting committee. Presented by the Trust of the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology. Since February 2004.
  • Moderator of the Panel “New Computing Architectures: Advanced Compilers Technologies and Processor Architectures”. European FET (Future Emerging Technologies) Program. Brussels, Oct. 13th. 2003.
  • Founding member of the Editorial Board for the Journal “Revista latina del IEEE”. This Journal was founded by Region 9 of the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering). Since November 2003.
  • Member of the Committee of the Spanish National Award “Julio Rey Pastor” to recognize research in Mathematics and/or IT Technologies. The Award is given by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. Madrid, September 2003.
  • Founding member of the Editorial Board for the Journal IJCSE (International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering) InderScience Publishers, since June 2003.
  • Member of the NSF (National Science Foundation) Panel “On the Future of Computer Architecture Research: Wise Views and Fresh Perspectives”. San Diego, June 2003.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal IJHPCN, International Journal on High Performance Computing and Networking, since April 2003.
  • President of the Jury to evaluate the best Thesis in Computer Science. Technical University of Catalonia. April, 2003.
  • Member of the committee on “Large Supercomputer Facilities”, on behalf of the spanish ministery of Science and Tecnology. This committee reports to ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Researcher Infraestructure. Year 2003.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Intel-MRL, Microprocessor Research Laboratories, from September 2002 until May 2004.
  • Member of the "Ethics in Scientific and Technologic Research" consulting committee. Presented by the Trust of the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology. Since April 2002.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédéralé de Lausanne) School of Computer and Communication Sciences. Year 2002.
  • Member of the Senate of UPC (Technical University of Catalonia). The Senate, was created in January 2002, and is composed by professor who received recognitions to their research activities. Foundational Member.
  • Member of the Advisory Board, of the XXV Anniversary of the Computer Science Faculty of Barcelona, 2002.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Computación y Sistemas”, the Latinoamerican Journal on Computation. ISSN 1405-5546. Since January 2002.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Journal Computer Architecture Letters since Oct. 2001.
  • Member of the Advisory Technical Committee of the TecnoCampus Iniciative of the city of Mataró (Barcelona). Since November 2001 to December 2004.
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA), since September 2001.
  • Member of the Advisory Technical Committee of the Flowstorm Company, dedicated to the design of network processors. Since 2001 to 2003.
  • Joint Editor, with Lionel M. Ni of the Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Parallel Processing. IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN 0-7695-1257-7. Valencia 3-7 of September, 2001.
  • Iberdrola award for “Visiting Professors” for years 2001, 2002 and 2003.
  • Joint Editor, with S. Vajapeyam of the IEEE Computer Magazine special issue on “Early 21st Century Processors”. April 2001, pp.47-82.
  • Member of the Jury to evaluate the research activities of the LRI, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique. Université Paris-Sud. Paris, April, 2001.
  • Member of the Spanish advisory board for “Large Scale Scientific Facilities”, years 2001-2004.
  • Joint Editor, with V. Prasanna and S. Vajapeyam of the “International Conference on High-Performance Computing, HiPC-7”. Lectures Notes on Computer Science number 1970. Bangalore, Dec. 2000. ISBN 3-540-41429-0.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Concurrency: Practice and Experience”. John Wiley and Sons. Since December 2000.
  • Joint Editor, with K. Joe, M. Kitsuregawa and H. Tanaka of the “Third International Symposium on High Performance Computing, ISHPC 2000”. Lectures Notes on Computer Science number 1940. Tokyo, October 2000. ISBN 3-540-41128-3.
  • Director of CIRI (CEPBA-IBM Research Institute), devoted to research on parallel computers. Since October 2000 to April 2004.
  • Evaluator for European Projects on the topic “Future Emerging Technologies”. Brussels, May 2000.
  • Senior member of IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), since February 2000.
  • Gold Medal of the School of Telecommunication Engineerr of Barcelona, for 25 years of teaching. Barcelona, October 1999.
  • ACM (Association for Computer Machinery) representative to IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing) TC10: Technical Committee on Computer System Technology. Years 1999-2001.
  • Four (six years each) possitive evaluations of the research activity corresponding to the period 1975-1998.
  • UPC professor representative in the UPC Board of Trustees, from 1999 to 2001.
  • Spanish Academy of Engineering representative in the Jury of the “European Information Technology Prizes”. These are the best European awards for IT Technologies Projects. 1997 (Brussels),1998 (Vienna), 1999 (Helsinky), 2000 (Nice), 2001 (Dusseldorf), and 2002 (Copenhaguen).
  • Member of the “Investigation Commission of the High executive Council" to the Government of the “Generalitat de Valencia”. This Council advises the Government of Valencia on research initiatives. Since 2000.
  • ACM (Association for Computer Machinery) representative to the Eckert-Mauchly Award Committee. This IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and ACM (Association for Computer Machinery) award is the most prestigious award in the field of Computer Architecture. 1998, 1999 (chair), and 2000.
  • Member of the Advisory Technical Committee of the Xstream Company, dedicated to the design of simultaneous multithreaded processors designed for network computing. From 1999 to 2001.
  • Member of the Jury for the “Salva i Campillo Awards” in 1999. This Jury decides the ACET (Catalan Association of Telecommunication Engineers) award for Telecommunication Engineering.
  • Joint Editor, with V. Milutinovic, of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Computers special issue on “Cache Memories and Related Problems”, February 1999.
  • Member of the Board of the Spanish Academy of Engineering, from 1999 to 2003.
  • Member of the Council of UPC (Technical University of Catalunya) from 1983 to 1986 and from 1996 to 2001.
  • Member of the Working Group “Information and Telecommunication Technologies”. OCYT (Spanish Office for Science and Technology), 1999. This group wrote the Information and Telecommunication Technologies part of the Spanish “Plan Nacional de Investigación” for the years 2000-2003.
  • Librarian of the Spanish Academy of Engineering, since 1999.
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) CSIDC (Computer Society International Design Competition), from 1998 to 2001.
  • Member of the Executive Board of the CIMNE (Center for Numerical Methods in the Engineering) in Barcelona, from 1996 to 2000.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Programming. Editor John Wiley and Sons. Since 1992.
  • Member of the Jury for the “City of Barcelona” award in Technology. Years 1996 and 1998.
  • Member of the Technical Committee on “Innovation and Knowledge”, Barcelona City Hall, since 1998.
  • Member of the “Alto Consejo Ejecutivo” to the Government of the “Generalitat de Valencia”. This Council advises the Government of Valencia on research initiatives. since 1998.
  • Associate Editor to the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System. 1995 to 1999.
  • Member of the Spanish “Research Evaluation Committee” for Engineering. This committee evaluates the research activities on engineering of all the spanish professors on engineering. 1995, 1996 and 1997 (chair).
  • Associate Editor. Computer Science Books. Editor Chapman and Hall. 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998.
  • President of the Spanish committee responsible for the evaluation of the Computer Science Faculty of the University Jaume I of Castellón. September, 1996.
  • Director of the C4 (Catalan Center for Computation and Communication). This Center was created by the Government of the “Generalitat de Catalunya” to coordinate the activities of CESCA (Supercomputing Center of Catalonia) and CEPBA (European Center for Parallel Computers in Barcelona). during 1995-2000.
  • Promoter and first director of CEPBA (European Center for Parallel Computers in Barcelona). CEPBA belongs to UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and was created in 1991 by the Ministry of Education of Spain and by the catalan CIRIT (Comissió Interministerial de Recerca e Innovació Tecnològica) to promote Basic Research and Tecnology Transfer to industries on Parallel Computing. Director from 1991 to 1995.
  • Associate Editor of the Parallel Processing Letters Journal. World Scientific since 1985
  • Consultor to the Catalan Government on topics related to Supercomputers, 1994.
  • Spanish Ministry of Education representative to the European Committee concerning Supercomputing, chaired by the Nobel Prize Laureate Carlo Rubbia, from 1991 to 1993.
  • Joint Editor, with E. Oñate, M. Jane, J-LL. Larriba and B. Súarez for the Proceedings of the PACTA-92 Conference: “Parallel Computing and Transputers Applications: Parts I and II”. IOS Press, Amsterdam. ISBN: 90-5199-096-0. October 1992.
  • Joint Editor, with S. Y. Kung, T. Lang and J. Fortes, for the Proceedings of the Conference “Application Specific Array Processors”. IEEE Computer Society Press. September 1991. ISBN 0-8186-9237-5.
  • Evaluator of IT European ESPRIT projects. Brussels, 1986.
  • Vice-President of the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Computer Society Spanish Chapter from 1986 to 1990.
  • Visiting Professor at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles). July and August 1989, and April and May of 1986.
  • Dean of the Computer Engineering School at UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) in 1984 and 1985.
  • Director of the Computer Architecture Department at UPC (Universitat Politecnica de Catalonia). 1983 -1984, 1986-1987, 1989-1990 and since 2001.
  • Visiting Professor at ENSIMAG, Grenoble (France). September to December of 1977 and October to December of 1978.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Spanish Journal “Mundo Electrónico” from 1982 to 1989.
  • Scholarship holder from the Spanish Ministry of Education. Ph.D student from 1975 to 1978.
  • Scholarship holder from the Bank “Caja de Ahorros de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja” to carry out studies at IBM in 1973 and 1974.
  • Scholarship holder from the “Spanish Royal Academy of Mathematics” to study Mathematics. Finalist in the “Olympiad in Mathematics”. 1969-1970.