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Showing 41 - 50 of 15505 results
  • research-and-development/publications/electromagne...
    Date: 29/08/2024
  • discover-bsc/transparency/assets-and-rights
    Date: 28/08/2024
    “The BSC has the tenancy right of surface for the construction, conservation and exploitation of the land where the main building of the center is located, as well as the exploitation rights for 75 years from the signing of the definitive reception of the building located in plot K of the Camp...
    “The BSC has the tenancy right of surface for the construction, conservation and exploitation of the land where the main building of the center is located, as well as the exploitation rights for 75 years from the signing of the definitive reception of...
  • discover-bsc/transparency/remunerations
    Date: 28/08/2024
    Full remuneration of persons holding senior positions in the General State Administration in the BSC-CNS. The information in force corresponds to the remunerations of the previous year. Remunerations 2023
    Full remuneration of persons holding senior positions in the General State Administration in the BSC-CNS. The information in force corresponds to the remunerations of the previous year. Remunerations 2023
  • discover-bsc/transparency/communication-channel-fo...
    Date: 28/08/2024
    In order to allow employees to report fraud or irregularities anonymously, an anonymous report can be made through the service provided by the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, called "Infofraude". See here Integrity Plan and anti-fraud measures
    In order to allow employees to report fraud or irregularities anonymously, an anonymous report can be made through the service provided by the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, called "Infofraude". ...
  • discover-bsc/transparency/internal-procedures
    Date: 28/08/2024
    Manual of internal procedures of the Treasury unit
    Manual of internal procedures of the Treasury unit
  • discover-bsc/transparency/applicable-legislation
    Date: 28/08/2024
    Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno Ley 47/2003, de 26 de noviembre, General Presupuestaria Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado Ley 9/2017, de 8 de noviembre, de contratos del sector público, por la cua...
  • discover-bsc/transparency/resolutions
    Date: 28/08/2024
    In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 19/2013, in relation to the limits to the right of access, the resolutions must be published after dissociation of personal data, once they have been notified to the interested parties. Currently, the BSC-CNS has not registered any resolution o...
    In accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Law 19/2013, in relation to the limits to the right of access, the resolutions must be published after dissociation of personal data, once they have been notified to the interested parties. ...
  • discover-bsc/transparency/plans-policies-and-regul...
    Date: 27/08/2024
    Gender Equity Plan (GEP) Integrity plan and anti-fraud measures RES Access protocol Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
    Gender Equity Plan (GEP) Integrity plan and anti-fraud measures RES Access protocol Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
  • research-and-development/research-seminars/sorswom...
    Date: 27/08/2024
  • discover-bsc/transparency/statutes
    Date: 26/08/2024
    The statutes of the BSC are included in Annex I of the Collaboration Agreement with the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, for the creation, construction, equipment and operation of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BOE...
    The statutes of the BSC are included in Annex I of the Collaboration Agreement with the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, for the creation, construction, equipment and operation of the Barcelona Supercomputing...
