
Showing 61 - 70 results of 148

Es esencial diseñar antivirales capaces de inhibir, a la vez, diversos coronaviruses, introduciendo así una serie de moléculas que puedan actuar como primera línea de choque en mutaciones de SARS-CoV-2 y en las pandemia venideras. Para ello, es imprescindible localizar dianas con alta similitud, bien caracterizadas estructuralmente, y realizar un...

The main goal of Rising STARS is to enable a parallel programming framework for the development and execution of advanced large-scale Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) with High Performance Computing (HPC) and real-time requirements. Overall, there is an urgent necessity to develop run-time parallel frameworks, compatible with HPC, capable of guaranteeingthat decisions made at...

The MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform (MEEP) is a flexible FPGA-based emulation platform that will explore hardware/software co-designs for Exascale Supercomputers and other hardware targets, based on European-developed IP. MEEP provides two very important functions:

  • An evaluation platform of pre-silicon IP and ideas, at speed and scale and
  • A...

Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems (MCCPS) deployed in critical domains like automotive and railway are starting to use Over The AirSoftware Updates (OTASU) for functionality improvement, bug fixing, and solving security vulnerabilities (among others). But, OTASU entailsseveral difficulties:

1) Safety including non-functional properties like...

Complex, dependable and physically-entangled systems of systems must be supported by innovations to allow for a significant reduction of the cost and complexity of system design targeting computing platforms composed of parallel heterogeneous architectures.

Software development is one key challenge, as current programming tools do not fully support...

MASTECS will bring innovative and exploitable technology for multicore processor timing analysis (MTA) to the market. It will be used by critical embedded software industries (focusing on automotive and avionics) to support advanced software functions (such as autonomous driving), which are competitive factors in every new product.

MASTECS will enable...

Existing HW/SW platforms for safety-critical systems suffer from limited performance and/or from lack flexibility due to building on specific proprietary components, which jeopardize their wide deployment across domains. While some research attempts have been done to overcome some of these limitations, their degree of success has been low due to missing flexibility and...

The De-RISC project addresses computer systems within the space and aviation domains. De-RISC Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer is a proposed project where an international consortium will introduce a hardware and software platform based aroundthe RISC-V ISA. The work proposed in this project is to productize a multi-core RISC-V system-on-chip...

Abstract in Spanish:

El proyecto PIXIL es un esfuerzo de colaboración científico-tecnológica transfronterizo y multidisciplinar, con el objetivo de desarrollar las herramientas más punteras para analizar el subsuelo terrestre, con especial interés en favorecer el crecimiento de la energía...

EOSC-synergy extends the EOSC coordination to nine participating countries by harmonizing policies and federating relevant national research e-Infrastructures, scientific data and thematic services, bridging the gap between national initiatives and EOSC. The project introduces new capabilities by opening national thematic services to European access, thus expanding the EOSC...
