
Showing 1 - 10 results of 70

The demands of our rapidly evolving society, coupled with the ever-expanding scope of industrial applications, urge a substantial leap forward in the autonomy and intelligence of complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), like those used in autonomous mobility and space exploration initiatives. These systems involve a physical part, with sensors and actuators, and a computing...

The EdgeAI-Trust project aims to develop and implement decentralized Edge AI technologies to address key challenges facing Europe'sindustrial and societal sectors, such as energy efficiency, system complexity, and sustainability. By developing trustworthy domain independent collaborative AI architectures and HW/SW edge AI technologies, the project will promote large-scale...

Nature-experiences are on the decline, but does that mean environmental values are as well? Where the decrease of experiences of nature is often cited as a cause for dwindling appreciation of nature and consequently less commitment to environmental stewardship, I argue that the internet is an overlooked factor in multiplying nature experiences, creating nature values, and...

A number of European leading Research Organizations (referred as RTOs hereafter) and research supporting organizations, with a long history of scientific and technology collaboration with Japan, are building a consortium for a proposal focusing on the development of joint High Performance Computing (HPC) applications for future generations of supercomputing...

The number and diversity of embedded FPGA SoC (System On Chip) in modern satellites is increasing and so it is the complexity and cost to use them efficiently and safely. With the emergence of these platforms, software architects and developers are facing increasingly difficult challenges to (i) optimize the deployment of software to efficiently use the available resources,...

The COVID pandemic can be seen as an experiment conducted on the entirety of humankind (as almost everybody has been or will get infected with SARS-CoV-2). It will therefore have the best coverage over the widest variation possible and is therefore ideally suited to study the effects of infections with SARS-CoV-2 on large quantities of heterogeneous individuals.

The ISOLDE project aims to significantly support the digital transformation of all economic and societal sectors, to speed up the transition towards a green, climate neutral and digital Europe, to strengthen the design capacity and to achieving digital autonomy EU-wide. By the end of our project, we will have high performance RISC-V processing systems and platforms at least...

The COLMENA project addresses data processing challenges in the IoT landscape, where data collection predominantly occurs on IoT devices, but about 80% of processing occurs in centralized data centres. This approach leads to communication delays, high energy consumption, and underutilization of device resources. COLMENA seeks to transform this...

In Astrophysics and Cosmology (A&C) today, High Performance Computing (HPC)-based numerical simulations are outstandinginstruments for scientific discovery. They represent essential tools and theoretical laboratories able to investigate, interpret and understand the physical processes behind the observed sky. For these laboratories, the efficient and effective...

Plasma science has been at the forefront of HPC for several decades, driving and, at the same time, benefiting greatly from innovative hardware and software developments. The overall goal of Plasma-PEPSC is to take this development to the next level, enabling scientific breakthroughs in plasma science Grand Challenges through exascale computing and extreme-scale data...
