The expected growth of both on and offshore wind energy is enormous and many new wind parks are planned for the coming years. Experience from the existing wind farms shows the importance of a proper micrositing of the wind turbines as well their efficient interconnection within the farm. In addition, bringing wind farms together into clusters toward a wind power plant concept...
SMARTY invokes a cloud-edge continuum made from heterogeneous systems that protect data-in-transit and data-in-process in order to offer a trustful fabric to run AI processes. The securitization occurs by employing novel accelerators for quantum resilient communications, confidential computing, software defined perimeters and swarm formation, offering multiple layers of...
ELIXIR unites Europe's leading life science organisations in managing and safeguarding the increasing volume of data being generated by publicly funded research. It coordinates, integrates and sustains bioinformatics resources across its 23 Nodes.
ELIXIR enables users in academia and industry to access services (databases, software, training,...
The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications.The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE, was initiated in October 2015with the fundamental purpose of assisting a broad community of HPC application developers and users in both science and...
Microbial production of plant metabolites has economic & environmental benefits over traditional extraction and chemical methods. Despite initial progress & the successful market introduction of some molecules, the microbial production of oxygenated plant metabolites (OPMs) mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs) is still lagging, making them almost inaccessible to...
New architectures for Exascale and post-Exascale computers will have massively parallel and heterogeneous processing capabilities that will require the complete redesign and reimplementation of the used algorithms to fully exploit the possibilities of these supercomputers. The objective of the Inno4scale project is to promote the efficient use of European HPC systems by...
The ISOLDE project aims to significantly support the digital transformation of all economic and societal sectors, to speed up the transition towards a green, climate neutral and digital Europe, to strengthen the design capacity and to achieving digital autonomy EU-wide. By the end of our project, we will have high performance RISC-V processing systems and platforms at least...
The AIR project responds to Europe's aspiration for leadership and reflects the common essence and concern essential to all Europeans, indeed to everything on the planet: the air we breathe. Air is considered an environmental quality, a meeting space and a space for expression: it does not distinguish between countries or social classes. Air means sustainability, an indicator...
The COLMENA project addresses data processing challenges in the IoT landscape, where data collection predominantly occurs on IoT devices, but about 80% of processing occurs in centralized data centres. This approach leads to communication delays, high energy consumption, and underutilization of device resources. COLMENA seeks to transform this...
EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) joins 79 partners to deploy a pan-European digital federated infrastructure of FAIR cancer-related de-identified images from Real-World. The infrastructure is designed to preserve the data sovereignty of providers and provide a platform, including an Atlas of Cancer Images, for the development and benchmarking of AI tools towards...