
Showing 1031 - 1040 of 1402
  • 2010-07-30 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Overview of Research Activities: BAI Group, NCAR For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 2010-07-08 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid An introduction to NMMB Model For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 01 Jul 2010

    3a Jornada de usuarios de la RES

    Location: Instituto de biocomputación y física de sistemas complejos Salón de Actos del Edificio I+D C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n Campus Río Ebro Universidad de Zaragoza 50018 Zaragoza   Comité Organizador:
    2010-07-01 00:00:00 2010-07-01 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 3a Jornada de usuarios de la RES For details, click on the following event link: Instituto de biocomputación y física de sistemas complejos Salón de Actos del Edificio I+D C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n Campus Río Ebro Universidad de Zaragoza 50018 Zaragoza   Comité Organizador:
  • 2010-06-10 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid The ES-BSC Department and an introduction to CALIOPE For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 2010-05-18 00:00:00 2010-05-20 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid ITIL and DPC Seminars (Santander, May 2010) For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 23 Sep 2009

    2a Jornada de usuarios de la RES

    Location: Salón de Actos Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria Avda. de las Castros, s/n 39005 Santander
    2009-09-23 00:00:00 2009-09-23 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 2a Jornada de usuarios de la RES For details, click on the following event link: Salón de Actos Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Cantabria Avda. de las Castros, s/n 39005 Santander
  • 2008-04-23 00:00:00 2008-04-23 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 1a Jornada de Usuarios de la RES For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 21 Apr 2008
    2008-04-21 00:00:00 2008-04-22 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid RES TRAINING DAYS For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 2007-11-07 00:00:00 2007-11-09 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid WMO/GEO Expert Meeting on an International Sand and Dust Storm Warning System For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 01 Jan 1970


    Location: To see the venue please follow the link to the map: 8 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00 Building C6 Room S309 9 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00  Building C6 Room S309 10 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00  Building C6 Room S309
    Register 1970-01-01 01:00:00 Europe/Madrid SEMINARIS D´EMPRESA For details, click on the following event link: To see the venue please follow the link to the map: 8 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00 Building C6 Room S309 9 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00  Building C6 Room S309 10 febrer de 11:00 a 14:00  Building C6 Room S309

    BSC is participating in the annual Seminaris d´Empresa organized by FIB. Our researchers will be delivering lectures on various topics.
