President Sánchez visits BSC

12 June 2019

The visit takes place after BSC was selected by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking as entity to host one of the largest European supercomputers.

Acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, visited today the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). The visit takes place after BSC was selected by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking as entity to host one of the largest European supercomputers.

Sánchez has come with Acting Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Duque, Acting Government delegate in Catalonia, Teresa Cunillera and Acting Secretary General of Scientific Policy Coordination and president of the BSC consortium, Rafael Rodrigo.

Sánchez wanted to know closely the scope of the project reported to him by the minister and the associate director of the BSC, Josep M. Martorell in the absence of the director of the centre, Mateo Valero, who is on a work trip in Mexico.

The European Commission (EC) announced a few days ago that EuroHPC had selected the BSC as one of the institutions that will host a pre-exascale supercomputer in the high-capacity supercomputer network promoted by EC. The new supercomputer will have a peak performance of 200 petaflops (200 x 1015 floating-point operations per second) and will come into operation on 31 December 2020.

The European Union would invest in it around €100M, the highest investment done by this institution in a research infrastructure in Spain. The rest of the investment will be borne by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Catalan Government and the states that supported the bid: Portugal, Turkey and Croatia, with contributions that are yet to be defined.

Further information in the following links: