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CASE - Data Pre&Post Processing
CASE - Dual Technologies
CASE - Fusion
CASE - Geometry and Meshing for simulations
CASE - High Performance Computational Mechanics
CASE - Large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics
CASE - Material Sciences
CASE - Natural Hazards and Risk Analysis
CASE - Physical and Numerical Modelling
CASE - Propulsion Technologies Group
CASE - Quantic
CASE - Smart Cities
CASE - Wave Phenomena Group
Computational Social Sciences - Computational Social Science and Humanities
Computational Social Sciences - Computational Social Sciences and Humanities
Computer Sciences
Computer Sciences - Accelerators and Communications for High Performance Computing
Computer Sciences - Accelerators and Communications for HighPerformance Computing
Computer Sciences - Artificial Intelligence Research
Computer Sciences - Best Practices for Performance and Programmability
Computer Sciences - Compilers and Toolchains for HPC
Computer Sciences - Computer Architecture for Parallel Paradigms
Computer Sciences - Computer Sciences Operational Support Group
Computer Sciences - CORE
Computer Sciences - Data Centric Computing
Computer Sciences - Data-driven Scientific Computing
Computer Sciences - Distributed Object Management
Computer Sciences - European Exascale Accelerator
Computer Sciences - FPGA Technologies
Computer Sciences - High Performance Artificial Intelligence
Computer Sciences - High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures
Computer Sciences - HPC Modeling and Simulation for Social Sciences
Computer Sciences - Integration
Computer Sciences - Memory technologies
Computer Sciences - Microarchitecture Design and Implementation
Computer Sciences - Microserver architectures and system software
Computer Sciences - Mobile and embedded-based HPC
Computer Sciences - Operating System / Computer Architecture Interface
Computer Sciences - Operating System / Computer ArchitectureInterface
Computer Sciences - Performance Tools
Computer Sciences - Predictable Parallel Computing
Computer Sciences - Programming Models
Computer Sciences - Programming models for novel distributed infrastructures
Computer Sciences - SIM: Simulation Infrastructure and Methodologies
Computer Sciences - SOftware research and de2ZWxvcG1lbnQgdmVoaWNsZXMgZm9yIE5ldyBBUmNoaXRlY3R1cmVzIChTT05BUikg
Computer Sciences - SOftware research and development vehicles for New ARchitectures (SONAR)
Computer Sciences - Storage Systems
Computer Sciences - Synthesis and Physical design of ICs
Computer Sciences - System software for energy management in HPC
Computer Sciences - System Tools and Advanced Runtimes
Computer Sciences - Technical Management HW Engineering
Computer Sciences - UNCORE Cache hierarchy and interconnects
Computer Sciences - Validation
Computer Sciences - VPU
Computer Sciences - Workflows and Distributed Computing
Directors - Computational Social Sciences and Humanities
Directors Office
Directors Office - Computational Social Sciences and Humanities
Directors Office - Education And Training
Directors Office - European Relations
Directors Office - Research Fellow
Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences - Aerosols, Dust and Climate
Earth Sciences - Air Quality Services ES group
Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality
Earth Sciences - Atmospheric Composition Group
Earth Sciences - Climate Services ES group
Earth Sciences - Climate Variability and Change
Earth Sciences - Data, Assimilation, Forecasting and Applications
Earth Sciences - Earth Data and Diagnostics
Earth Sciences - Earth Models and Workflows
Earth Sciences - Earth System Services Group
Earth Sciences - Emissions
Earth Sciences - Global Health Resilience
Earth Sciences - High Performance Computing for Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences - Knowledge Integration ES group
Extern - Extern people by Special Petition
Innovation and Business Development
Innovation and Business Development - Technology Transfer Office
Institutional - Computational Social Sciences and Humanities
Institutional - Education And Training
Life Sciences
Life Sciences - Bioinformatics Coordination Unit
Life Sciences - Comparative Genomics
Life Sciences - Computational Biology Life Sciences Group
Life Sciences - Computational Genomics
Life Sciences - Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling
Life Sciences - Genome Informatics
Life Sciences - INB
Life Sciences - INB Computational Node 2
Life Sciences - Integrative Computational Network Biology
Life Sciences - Language Technologies
Life Sciences - Life Sciences Scientific Coordination unit
Life Sciences - Machine Learning for Biomedical Research
Life Sciences - NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis
Life Sciences - Social Link Analytics Life Sciences Group
Life Sciences - Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab
Management - Administration and Finances
Management - Communication
Management - Finance and Accounting
Management - Finance Projects
Management - Human Resources Area
Management - Information System and Services
Management - Legal
Management - Purchasing
Operations - Data Management
Operations - Facility Management
Operations - Facility Management - Facility Management
Operations - Infrastructure Access Policy Unit
Operations - System Administration
Operations - User Support
Project Management, Innovation & Dissemination
Project Management, Innovation & Dissemination - Dissemination
Project Management, Innovation & Dissemination - Project Innovation Management Unit
Project Management, Innovation & Dissemination - Project Management Office
ResearchSupport - Project Management Office
Research Group / Area
Ab-Initio Electronic Structure Methods
Advanced docking strategies
Aerosol data assimilation
Aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions
Agriculture and water management services
AI Experts
Air quality
Algorithms for genomics data compression
Alya - High Performance Computational Mechanics
Application optimization for GPU acceleration
Applied Learning Methods
Art+Science driven innovation
Atlantic Variability and Predictability
Atmospheric Impact Services
Bias development mechanisms
Big Data Frameworks
Biological data integration and management
Blockchain Scalability and Sustainability
BSIT: Barcelona Subsurface Imaging Tools
Cancer genomics
Cardiovascular system simulations
Climate Model Initialization and Data Assimilation
Computational Earth Services
Computational Fluid Mechanics - Compressible Flows
Computational fluid mechanics - Incompressible flows
Computational infrastructures for biomolecular research
Computational Modeling for Fusion
Computational solid mechanics
COTS multicore real-time systems
Curricula Development and Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Professional Training
Cyber-Physical Computing Systems
Data and Diagnostics Team
Data Placement for Heterogeneous Memory Systems
Data-Center Optimization
Data-Centric Architectures
Data-Driven Scientific Computing
Deep-Learning and HPC
Dependable and power-efficient real-time systems
Distributed Computing Library
Distributed Object Management
DLB: Dynamic Load Balancing
Docking for interactomics and personalized medicine
Domain Specific Languages
Dynamic resource management in HPC
Earthquake Simulation
eDrug: interactive drug design
Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion
Electronic transport
Emission modelling
Energy efficiency management for Data Centers
Energy-aware and Virtualisation Technologies
Enzymatic Catalysis and Protein Engineering
Forecast quality assessment of seasonal-to-decadal predictions
Functional consequences of genetics variants
Generic Lightweight Threads
Genetics of Complex Diseases
Hardware Support for Big Data
High performance storage for interactive Big Data analysis
High Programming Productivity for Accelerators
High-performance IO and storage
HPC Frameworks
HPC Geophysical Applications
HPC Software Optimization
HPC Workflows
Improving Virtual Memory
Industrial artificial intelligence and digital twins
Insurance Services
Integration of Programming Models and Persistent Storage Systems
Interactive data visualization
Internet of Things and Stream Processing
Inverse Modelling
Land-atmosphere coupling and predictability
Learning Analytics
Linear Algebra and Math Libraries
Memory hierarchy for GPU acceleration
Memory systems for HPC and AI
Mesh generation and adaptivity
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Microscale wind simulations and wind resource assessment
Microserver architectures and system software
Mineral dust - AXA Chair on Sand and Dust Storms
Mobile and embedded-based HPC
Models and Workflows Team
Natural & Social Hazards (NaSH)
Network Biology
Neural networks for data-streams
New approaches to the prediction of protein structure and interactions
NoSQL technologies applied to Life Sciences
Numerical Methods
Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Feedbacks
Ocean forecasting
OpenMP Extensions
PELE: Monte Carlo methods for protein/DNA-ligand interactions
Performance Analytics
Performance Team
Personalized Medicine Initiative
Policy analysis
Predictable Parallel Computing
Preemptive multiprogramming on GPUs
Probabilistic Real Time Systems
Provenance, Metadata and Reproducibility
Quantum Algorithms
Reduced Order Methods in HPC
Resilient architecture and runtimes
Respiratory system
Runtime aware architectures
Scientific and Social impact
Scientific Visualization and storytelling
Sea Ice Variability, Prediction and Impacts
Seasonal prediction and attribution of extreme events
Seismic hazard, seismic vulnerability and seismic risk
Smart and resilient cities
Software development for protein-protein interactions
SOftware research and development vehicles for New ARchitectures (SONAR)
Solar energy services
Supercomputing for Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Methodologies for Technology Rich Environments
Tensor Networks
The OmpSs Programming Model
Time-predictable parallel programming models
Towards complex and intelligent workflow programming for Distributed Computing
Tropical Cyclones
Troposphere-stratosphere coupling
Urban air quality modelling
Urban Data Science
Urban-scale Atmospheric Dispersal Modeling
Volcanic ash
Wind energy services
Workflow environments for Scientific Applications