Fabrizio Gagliardi recognized with the 2018 ACM Presidential Award

28 May 2018

BSC senior strategy advisor has been honoured for his efforts and accomplishments in service to ACM.

Fabrizio Gagliardi, BSC senior strategy advisor, receives the ACM Presidential Award in recognition of his selfless dedication to ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), ensuring the organization’s activities, services, and influence extend throughout the European continent. He is honoured for his tireless efforts as the spirit behind ACM’s public policy arm in Europe—EUACM—having served as its Chair since 2013. “Gagliardi is a practical visionary, who realized that if ACM is to inform technology policy in Europe it must have a well-respected and influential local presence. The work of EUACM under Gagliardi’s leadership has made a lasting impression in short order, forging dialogues about computing with members of the European Commission as well as spearheading public policy statements on cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and CS education. He was a guiding force behind two recent panels featuring ACM and EU Commission representatives”, states ACM.

“We are very proud of the work the Association for Computing Machinery does in so many areas,” said ACM President Vicki L. Hanson. “The ACM Presidential Award is a way to honour those who have gone above and beyond to create a dynamic professional environment in which we all have been able to grow in our careers”.

Gagliardi is Distinguished Research Director at Polytechnic University of Barcelona (Spain), Senior Strategy Advisor at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Chair of EUACM, ACM’s European policy committee. He earned his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa. Earlier in his career, he was Europe, Middle East and Africa Director for External Research at Microsoft Research Corporation. He joined Microsoft in November 2005 after a long career at CERN, the world’s leading laboratory for particle physics in Geneva, Switzerland. Gagliardi is author and co-author of several publications and articles on real-time and distributed computing systems.

The 2018 Presidential Award Recipients include also to Donald Gotterbarn and Andrew McGettrick. These awards will be presented at the ACM Awards Banquet in San Francisco on June 23, 2018.

About the ACM Presidential Award

The ACM Presidential Awards are given to leaders in computing whose actions and achievements serve as paragons for the field. Recipients have demonstrated their exceptional abilities to advance the discipline of computing through generosity, creativity, and dedication to their respective missions.

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