BSC receives its first coordinated Clean Sky 2 project

10 March 2020

The ESTiMatE project aims to create physical models and efficient algorithms for the prediction of soot in aero engine combustors by the generation of advanced software for simulation.

A part of the EU’s H2020 programme, Clean Sky is the European partnership for cleaner skies

For the first time ever, BSC researchers from the Computer Applications and Engineering Department (CASE) have been awarded a coordinated Clean Sky project by the European Union. Titled “Emissions SooT ModEl” (ESTiMatE), the project is part of the Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITD) part of the Clean Sky 2 programme. It aims to develop a modelling strategy using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations for the prediction of soot in terms of chemical evolution and particle formation in conditions relevant to aero engine operation. The software developed in the project will contribute towards Europe’s vison for aviation (Flightpath 2050) whereby reductions of 75% CO2 and 90% NOx emissions must be achieved by the aeronautical sector.

ESTiMatE addresses the problem of emissions in lean-burn conditions, in particular for aero engines. It focuses on the generation of accurate and reliable predictive methods using high-performance computing (HPC) for particulate matter, with focus on soot formation. The models will be developed upon the use of advanced combustion and spray models suitable for Very High Bypass Ratio (VHBR) engines.

“We are delighted to have been awarded this multidisciplinary project, which includes the development of chemical kinetics of kerosene-like surrogates, along with advanced models to represent the dynamics of soot and high-level experimentation. Combining these techniques with HPC, we expect to enable novel models which are significantly more accurate than those currently used by industry,” said ESTiMatE coordinator Dr. Oriol Lehmkuhl.

As a key project tackling the challenge of CO2 and NOx emissions, ESTiMatE has also recently participated in a Clean Sky 2 Workshop on Low NOx and Advanced Combustion Technologies, held in Brussels, Belgium. An overview of the project was presented and partners took part in the discussion on setting up a roadmap for future combustion technology.

ESTiMatE has been awarded almost €1.8 million in EU funding and will last three years. Coordinated by BSC, the other partners of the project include Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Technische Universität Eindhoven (TUE), Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) and Universität Stuttgart (USTUTT).

About Clean Sky

Clean Sky is the largest European research programme developing innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, this project contributes to strengthening European aero-industry collaboration, global leadership and competitiveness.

Clean Sky infographic: