Severo Ochoa Research Seminars

Wednesday, 15 November, 2023

- Ada Pastor. Freshwater ecologist. PhD in Ecology and postdoctoral researcher at the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA). 
- Laura Carrau. Biologist specialized in scientific communication, photographer and audiovisual producer.
Host: Marta Terrado. Knowledge Integration Team. Earth System Services Group | Earth Sciences Department, BSC.
Thursday, 09 November, 2023


Speaker: Sílvia Osuna. PhD at the Institut de Química Computacional. She is currently an ICREA research professor at UdG. Recently awarded the 2022 Premio Nacional de Investigación para Jovenes investigadores Maria Teresa Toral.

Host: Víctor Guallar. Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling Group Manager. Life Sciences- Department, BSC

Monday, 30 October, 2023

Speaker: Juani Bermejo-Vega, PhD in Physics and Computer science (speciality: Quantum Computing) from the Technical University of Munich. Activist for rights, equality and inclusion in science.
Host: Eneko Martin-Martinez, PhD student, Earth Sciences Department, BSC
Thursday, 26 October, 2023

Speaker: Petia Radeva, Professor at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) Head of the Consolidated Research Group “Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Applications (AIBA)” at the UB.
Host: Alfonso Valencia, Life Sciences Department Director - Computational Biology Life Sciences Group
Venue: [Hybrid] BSC Auditorium and Zoom
Thursday, 19 October, 2023


Speaker: Dr. Andrea Pozzer (male), group leader of the modelling group in the Atmospheric Chemistry department at the Max Planck Institute
Host: Oriol Jorba, Earth Sciences Department, BSC

Monday, 02 October, 2023


Speaker: Ada Gavrilovska, Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
Host: Antonio Peña, Group Manager, Accelerators and Communications for HPC, Leading Researcher, CS, BSC.

Tuesday, 26 September, 2023


Speaker: Paolo de Luca, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Earth Sciences, BSC
Host: Markus Donat, Climate Variability And Change Coleader, ES, BSC

Thursday, 21 September, 2023


Speaker: Laura Luebbert, German-Catalan Biology Ph.D. candidate at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, USA.
Host: Marta Melé, Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab Group Leader, Life Sciences, BSC

Tuesday, 19 September, 2023


Speaker: Christopher Batten, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a graduate field member of Computer Science at Cornell University
Host: Miquel Moreto, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC

Monday, 18 September, 2023


Speaker: Raúl Murillo, is pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at UCM
Host: Miquel Moretó, High Performance Domain-Specific Architectures Associated Researcher, CS, BSC

