Workflows and Distributed Computing

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Personalised Medicine (PerMed) opens unexplored frontiers to treat diseases at the individual level combining clinical and omics information. However, the performances of the current simulation software are still insufficient to tackle medical problems such as tumour evolution or patient-specific treatments. The challenge is to develop a sustainable roadmap to scale-up the...

Digital twins, along with the Internet of Things and Edge computing , are expected to play a decisive role in the nextdecade s industrial markets (Industry 4.0) enabling dramatic improvements in complex systems design and operation.However, this technology has not been yet widely implemented, since it requires the collaboration of experts in multiple fieldsand costly...

The MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform (MEEP) is a flexible FPGA-based emulation platform that will explore hardware/software co-designs for Exascale Supercomputers and other hardware targets, based on European-developed IP. MEEP provides two very important functions:

  • An evaluation platform of pre-silicon IP and ideas, at speed and scale and
  • A...

Big data is nowadays being integrated in systems requiring to process a vast amount of information from (geographically) distributed data sources, while fulfilling the non-functional properties (real-time, energy-efficiency, communication quality andsecurity) inherited from the domain in which analytics are applied. Examples include smart cities or smart manufacturingdomains....
