Online Courses

Course on ML and Distributed Computing Frameworks in Data-centers

As not everyone is familiar with the capabilities of High Performance Computing (HPC) environments and the capabilities they offer, like distribution of data processes, in this course we will go through basic concepts like performance, parallelism or virtualization.

In this on-line course, Josep Lluís Berral, creator of the course and researcher at the Data Centric Computing group, introduces basic concepts of parallelism, performance and virtualization, also machine learning, oriented to students and researchers either familiar or novel with those concepts.

The course is divided in three fundamental sections: performance in data centers, machine learning, and technologies for data processing. Each part provides a set of video-tutorials including theory and examples, with the corresponding slides, practical examples and exercises. In first and second parts, the tutorials present the fundamentals for supercomputing and artificial intelligence. In the third part, the distributed data processing and Deep Learning platforms Spark and BigDL are presented, with practical demonstrations. In total, Berral with the help of Francisco Javier Jurado, prepared more than five hours of video-tutorials, around the three chapters, along examples and exercises, and additionally a set of scry around us.