PUMPS Summer School

Fecha: 02/Jul/2012 Time: 09:00 - 06/Jul/2012 Time: 18:00


Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Computer Architecture Dept. at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Primary tabs

  • The following is a list of some of the topics that will be covered during the course. The updated full program will soon be available
    • CUDA Parallel Execution Model
    • CUDA Performance Considerations
    • CUDA Algorithmic Optimization Strategies
    • Data Locality Issues
    • Dealing with Sparse and Dynamic data
    • Efficiency in Large Data Traversal
    • Reducing Output Interference
    • Debugging and Profiling CUDA Code
    • GMAC Runtime
    • Multi-GPU Execution
    • Introduction to OmpSs
    • OmpSs: Leveraging GPU/CUDA Programming
    • Hands-on Labs: CUDA Optimizations and OmpSs Programming