2nd International BSC Doctoral Symposium 2015

Fecha: 05/May/2015 Time: 09:00 - 07/May/2015 Time: 19:00

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Programme & Training
The programme is totally detailed. Download here the pdf version or see the details of it below.

The training seats are limited to 40 attendees and will be assigned on a first come, first served basisand Volunteers and Presenters will have preference. The participants accepted to join the training will be notified before 24th April and will be asked to confirm their attendance. Download here the Training programme in pdf format.

2nd International BSC Doctoral Symposium 2015 – 5th May; Meeting Room Aula Master A3 Building
Start time Activity Speaker/s Chair
9.00h Welcome and opening
Mateo Valero,
BSC Director
Maria Ribera,  Education & Training Group Manager at BSC
9.15h Keynote Speaker talk: Research in Telefónica R&D Nuria Oliver,
Scientific Director Telefónica R&D
10.10h First Poster Session & coffee break
Heating Bulk Ions in DEMO with ICRF waves
Dani Gallart, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dpt.
Rayleigh wave ellipticity measurements in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco
Clara Gómez-García, Spanish National Research Council
Implementation of Dynamic Aerosol-Radiation Interaction within the NMMB/BSC-CTM
Vincenzo Obiso, Earth Sciences Dpt.
State-of-the-Art Climate Predictions for Energy Climate Services
Verónica Torralba, Institut Català de Ciènces del Clima
Identification of novel type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci through wholegenome imputation using sequencing based reference panels into 13.201 cases and 59.656 controls
Sílvia Bonàs Guarch, BSCLife SciencesDpt.  
Parallel programming issues and what the compiler can do to help
Sara Royuela, BSC Computer Sciences Dpt.
First Talk Session: PostDoc research at BSC (first part)
10.40h Methodology to predict scalability of parallel applications
Claudia Rosas,
BSC Computer Sciences Dpt.
Mariano Vázquez,  High Performance Computational Mechanics Group Manager at BSC
11:00h Mesh generation to simulate incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with wind turbines Abel Gargallo-Peiró, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
11.20h Measurements and computer simulations: whom do we trust for atmospheric composition?
Enza Di Tomaso,
BSC Earth Sciences Dept.
11.40h HPC and edge elements for geophysical electromagnetic problems: an overview Octavio Castillo,
BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
12.00h Second Poster Session & coffee break
Automatic Query Driven Data Modelling in Cassandra
Roger Hernandez, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Modelling the Contact Propagation of Nosocomial Infection in Emergency Departments
Cecili Jaramillo, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
MACC: Mercurium ACCelerator Model
Guray Ozen, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Capturing the action of current antipsychotic drugs at G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by means of Markov State Model analysis
Ismael Rodríguez-Espigares, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) - Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)
A 3D-1D cardiac-vascular computational feedbacked model
Alfonso Santiago, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
First Talk Session: PostDoc research at BSC (second part)
12.20h From imaging to simulation: a framework applied to simulate the blood flowin the carotids Ruth Arís,
BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
José María Cela, Director of  BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
12:40h Optimizing a coarse-grained model for the recognition of protein-protein binding Agustí Emperador,
BSC Life Sciences Dpt.
13.00h Lunch break
15.00h Training An Introduction to Scientific Writing starts; Lecturer Josep Lluis Pelegrí, ICM-CSIC
17.00h Coffee break
17.15h Training  An Introduction to Scientific Writing continues; Lecturer Josep Lluis Pelegrí, ICM-CSIC
19.00h Adjourn
2nd International BSC Doctoral Symposium 2015 – 6th May; Meeting Room Aula Master A3 Building
Start time Activity Speaker/s Chair
9.00h Opening of the second day
Second Talk Session: Algorithms, Physics & Data Science
9.10h Study of Preconditioners based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Oscar A. Esquivel (PostDoc),
CONACYT-BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Vassil Alexandrov ,  Extreme Computing Group Manager at BSC
9.30h Supercomputing simulations for Beyond Standard Model theories at the TeV scale: non-standard gravity and electroweak interactions Rafael Delgado,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
9.50h Discovering most significant news  using Network Science approach Ilya Blokh,
Perm State University
10.10h Linompss – A Linear Algebra Library on OMPSs Sicong Zhuang,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
10.30h Third Poster Session & coffee break
Evaluation of Modelling Systems in High Resolution to Assess the Air Pollutant Impacts on Human Health 
Sergio N. González (PostDoc), BSC Earth Sciences Dpt - CONACYT.
Binding Free Energy and Ligand Orientation Calculations using A Monte Carlo Method with Markov Sate Analysis
Daniel Lecina, BSCLife SciencesDept.
Asynchronous parallel fluid solver and particle transport
Edgar Olivares, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
A parallel coupled algorithm for the solution of deformable two-body contact problem
Matías Rivero, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
Resource Management for Software Defined Data Centers for Heterogeneous Infrastructures
Marcelo Amaral, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
A framework for multidimensional indexes on distributed and highly-available data stores
Cesare Cugnasco, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Mathematical Representation of the Hardware Round-Robin Scheduler Analytical Model for Single-ISA Heterogeneous Architectures
Daniel Nemirovsky, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Third Talk Session: Scheduling, Interconnections and Simulations
11.20h Criticality-Aware Dynamic Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Systems Kallia Chronaki,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Daniele Lezzi, Senior researcher at BSC Grid Computing and Clusters Group
11.40h Interconnect Energy Savings on MapReduce Clusters Renan Fischer e Silva,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
12.00h Efficient Address Translation for Memory Intensive Workloads Vasileios Karakostas,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
12.20h High Performance Computing Based Simulation for Healthcare Decision Support Zhengchun Liu,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
12.40h Hardware Scheduling Algorithms for Asymmetric Single-ISA CMPs Nikola Markovic,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
13.00h Lunch break
15.00h Training  An Introduction to Scientific Writing continues; Lecturer Josep Lluis Pelegrí, ICM-CSIC
17.00h Coffee break
17.15h Training  An Introduction to Scientific Writing continues; Lecturer Josep Lluis Pelegrí, ICM-CSIC
19.00h End of the Training and Adjourn

2nd International BSC Doctoral Symposium 2015 – 7th May; Meeting Room Aula Master A3 Building
Start time Activity Speaker/s Chair
9.00h Opening of the third day  
Fourth Talk Session: Life Sciences
9.10h Macroscopic structures generated by microorganisms swimming in a fluid
Francisco Alarcón,
Universitat de Barcelona
David Torrents, Computational Genomics Group Manager
9.30h Assessment of scoring functions performance to re-rank docking decoys from FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) programs
Didier Barradas,
BSC Life Sciences Dept.
9.50h Implementation of an Internal Coordinates Anisotropic Network Model in PELE
Víctor A. Gil,
BSC Life Sciences Dept.
10.10h Inter-residue interactions in membrane proteins Eduardo Mayol,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
10.30h Fourth Poster Session & coffee break
Galaxy Gears: Web Services integration into Galaxy workflows
Dmitry Repchevsky, BSCLife SciencesDept.
Single amino acid mutation controls hole transfer dynamics in DNAmethyltransferase HhaI complexes
Marina Corbella, Universitat de Barcelona
Catalytic surface radical in dye-decolorizing peroxidase
Marina Cañellas, BSCLife SciencesDept.       
Theoretical study on the activation mechanism of AMP-kinase by means of
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Carolina Estarellas (PostDoc), Universitat de Barcelona
GWImp-COMPSs: An Integrated Framework for Large-scale
Genome-wide Imputation and Association Testing
Marta Guindo,  BSCLife SciencesDept.          
PMut2015: a web-based tool for predicting pathological mutations on proteins
Víctor López,  BSCLife SciencesDept.
Influence of Temperature on the Topological Features of Inner Cavities in Cytoglobin
Constantí Seira, Universitat de Barcelona
Cation- π-cation interactions in proteins
Silvana De Souza Pinheiro, Universitat de Barcelona
Fifth Talk Session: Computer Sciences and Applications
11.20h A novel approach to reconstruct the plinian and co-ignimbrite phases of large eruptions - Campanian Ignimbrite
Alejandro Martí,
BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
Eduard Ayguadé, Associate Director of  BSC Computer Sciences  Dept.
11.40h Plasma Physics Code Contribution to the Mont-Blanc Project

Xavier Sáez,
BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
12.00h Folding: reporting instantaneous performance metrics and source-code references Harald Servat,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
12.20h Probabilistically Time-Analyzable Complex Processors in Hard Real-Time systems Mladen Slijepcevic,
BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
12.40h Improving the prefetching performance through code region profiling Martí Torrents,
UPC BarcelonaTech
13.00h Lunch break
Sixth Talk Session: Earth Sciences and Physics
14.00h Dynamics of double-polarity subduction: application to the Western Mediterranean Mireia Peral,
Institute of Earth Science Jaume Almera (CSIC)
Arnau Folch,  Environmental Simulations Group Manager at BSC
14.20h Characterization of coal power plants plume dynamics under typical synoptic conditions over the Iberian Peninsula
Víctor Valverde,
BSC Earth Sciences Dept.
14.40h Quantum dynamics study of the hydrogen molecule confined in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Manel Mondelo-Martell,
Universitat de Barcelona
15.00h Fifth Poster Session & coffee break
Hecuba: NoSql made easy
Guillem  Alomar, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Scaling Irregular Array-type Reductions in OmpSs      
Jan Ciesko, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
DLP Acceleration on General Purpose Cores
Milovan Duric, BSC Computer Sciences Dept.
Enhancing Timing Analysis for COTS multicores for the Space industry: a software approach
Gabriel Fernandez, UPC BarcelonaTech
Methodology to select a I/O configuration (hardware resources  and stack software) in cloud platform          
Pilar Gómez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
A Multiphysics implementation for conjugate heat transfer and compressible-low mach coupling
Miguel Zavala, BSC Computer Applications in Science & Engineering Dept.
Undestanding Scientific Application's Performance   
Oriol Tintó , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona         
Seventh Talk Session: Life Sciences
15.30h Sugar Conformations that Enhance Cleavage of Glycosidic Bonds in Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes
Lluis Raich,
Universitat de Barcelona
Víctor Guallar, Electronic and Atomic Protein Modelling Group Manager at BSC
15.50h pyDock performance in 5th CAPRI edition: from docking and scoring to binding affinity predictions and other challenges
Chiara Pallara,
BSC Life Sciences Dept.
16.10h Characterization of complex chromosomal rearrangements in cancer genomes Marta Munar,
BSC Life Sciences Dept.
16.30h Conclusions
End of the Doctoral Symposium