Seminaris de Recerca Severo Ochoa

Dijous, 10 Octubre, 2019

David Taylor is Responsible Officer of the second data processing chain (CHAIN2) of the JET tokamak.
Dimecres, 25 Setembre, 2019

Dr. Miguel Ponce de León is a postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Biology Group at the Life Science Department of the BSC.
Dilluns, 23 Setembre, 2019

Anthony Mathelier, Group leader of the Computational Biology & Gene Regulation group at the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway
Dilluns, 16 Setembre, 2019

Fran Supek, Genome Data Science Group Leader at IRB and ICREA Research Professor.
Dissabte, 20 Juliol, 2019


Silvio Micali, MIT, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, faculty member.

Dijous, 18 Juliol, 2019

Jorge Duitama, Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Los Andes University (Colombia) | UNIANDES
Dimecres, 10 Juliol, 2019

Vera Pancaldi,   Epigenomics and network modelling of heterogeneity in immuno-oncology lab leader at CRCT 
Dimecres, 03 Juliol, 2019

Dr. Wu-chun Feng, professor of computer science and electrical & computer engineering at Virginia Tech, where he directs the Systems, Networking, and Renaissance Grokking Laboratory.
Dimarts, 02 Juliol, 2019

Juan Rodriguez-Rivas is currently finishing his PhD degree in computational biology at the Computational Biology group at BSC.
Dijous, 20 Juny, 2019

Franck Cappello is a permanent senior researcher at INRIA, and a visiting research professor at the University of Illinois
