Kim Robin Van Daalen

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Kim van Daalen is a post-doctoral researcher at the BSC Global Health Resilience team focusing on climate change, infectious disease and gender inequities, and a Lancet Countdown Research Fellow. As a Lancet Countdown Research Fellow, she coordinates the Lancet Countdown in Europe collaboration together with Prof. Rachel Lowe. Kim is also an honorary fellow at University College London (UCL) for her work on the Lancet Migration. She recently finished her PhD (Dec 2022) as Gates Cambridge Scholar at the University of Cambridge on environmental arsenic pollution and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVDs). In 2022 she won the Bill Gates Sr. Prize for outstanding research and leadership, and in 2017 she won a Murray Edwards Public Health award to support her MPhil in Public Health. Kim has co-authored multiple peer-reviewed publications reflecting her broad research interests at the intersections of environmental epidemiology with climate change, planetary health, and (gender) inequities. On a voluntary basis she acts as a research coordinator for the international NGO Women in Global Health, and has previously been a research consultant for the World Bank


2018-2022    PhD in Epidemiology (Public Health and Primary Care), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 

2017-2018    MPhil in Public Health & Epidemiology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom 

2016-2017    MSc in Cancer, Stem Cells & Developmental Biology, University of Utrecht, Netherlands (not finished, full degree 2 years)

                      2016-2017 University-wide MSc Honours Program, Young Innovators, Utrecht University, Netherlands 

2013-2016    BSc in Biomedical Sciences (Cum Laude, GPA 4.0/4.0), University of Utrecht, Netherlands

                      2014-2016 University-wide BSc Honours Porgram, Decartes College, Utrecht University, Netherlands 



van Daalen, K. R., Romanello, M., Rocklöv, J., Semenza, J. C., Tonne, C., Markandya, A., ... & Lowe, R. (2022). The 2022 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: towards a climate resilient future. The Lancet Public Health7(11), e942-e965.
Romanello, M., Di Napoli, C., Drummond, P., Green, C., Kennard, H., Lampard, P., ... & Costello, A. (2022). The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: health at the mercy of fossil fuels. The Lancet400(10363), 1619-1654.
van Daalen, K. R., Chowdhury, M., Dada, S., Khorsand, P., El-Gamal, S., Kaidarova, G., ... & Rajan, D. (2022). Does global health governance walk the talk? Gender representation in World Health Assemblies, 1948–2021. BMJ Global Health7(8), e009312.
van Daalen, K. R., Kaiser, J., Kebede, S., Cipriano, G., Maimouni, H., Olumese, E., ... & Oliver-Williams, C. (2022). Racial discrimination and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Global Health7(8), e009227.
Dada, S., van Daalen, K. R., Barrios-Ruiz, A., Wu, K. T., Desjardins, A., Bryce-Alberti, M., ... & Mogo, E. R. (2022). Challenging the “old boys club” in academia: Gender and geographic representation in editorial boards of journals publishing in environmental sciences and public health. PLOS Global Public Health2(6), e0000541.
van Daalen, K. R., Kallesøe, S. S., Davey, F., Dada, S., Jung, L., Singh, L., ... & Nilsson, M. (2022). Extreme events and gender-based violence: a mixed-methods systematic review. The Lancet Planetary Health6(6), e504-e523.
Gkiouleka, A., Aquino, M. R. J., Ojo-Aromokudu, O., van Daalen, K. R., Kuhn, I. L., Turner-Moss, E., ... & Ford, J. (2022). Allied health professionals: A promising ally in the work against health inequalities-A rapid review. Public Health in Practice, 100269.
Khorsand, P., Chowdhury, M., Wyns, A., Velin, L., Wangari, M. C., Cipriano, G., ... & van Daalen, K. (2022). Envisioning sustainable and equitable World Health Assemblies. BMJ Global Health7(5), e009231.
Chowdhury, R., Noh, M. F. M., Ismail, S. R., van Daalen, K. R., Kamaruddin, P. S. N. M., Zulkiply, S. H., ... & Butterworth, A. S. (2022). Investigating Genetic and Other Determinants of First-Onset Myocardial Infarction in Malaysia: Protocol for the Malaysian Acute Vascular Events Risk Study. JMIR research protocols11(2), e31885.
Velin, L., Van Daalen, K., Guinto, R., van Wees, S. H., & Saha, S. (2022). Global health educational trips: ethical, equitable, environmental?. BMJ Global Health7(4), e008497.
van Daalen, K. R., Dada, S., James, R., Ashworth, H. C., Khorsand, P., Lim, J., ... & Blanchet, K. (2022). Impact of conditional and unconditional cash transfers on health outcomes and use of health services in humanitarian settings: a mixed-methods systematic review. BMJ global health7(1), e007902.
Beagley, J., van Daalen, K. R., Castillo, B. P., Jung, L., Wyns, A., Mattijsen, J. C., ... & Miller, J. (2021). Assessing the inclusion of health in national climate commitments: Towards accountability for planetary health✰. The Journal of Climate Change and Health5, 100085-100085.
Vervoort, D., & van Daalen, K. R. (2021). The European Union, economies and public health: not one without the other. Public Health194, 1-3.
Kaiser, J., van Daalen, K. R., Thayyil, A., Cocco, M. T. D. A. R. R., Caputo, D., & Oliver-Williams, C. (2021). A Systematic review of the association between vegan diets and risk of cardiovascular disease. The Journal of nutrition151(6), 1539-1552.
van Daalen, K. R., Davey, F., Norman, C., & Ford, J. A. (2021). Health equity audits: a systematic review of the effectiveness. BMJ open11(11), e053392.
Voskamp, M. J., Li, S., van Daalen, K. R., Crnko, S., Ten Broeke, T., & Bovenschen, N. (2021). Immunotherapy in Medulloblastoma: Current State of Research, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Cancers13(21), 5387.
Van Daalen, K. R., Dada, S., Issa, R., Chowdhury, M., Jung, L., Singh, L., ... & Singh, N. S. (2021). A scoping review to assess sexual and reproductive health outcomes, challenges and recommendations in the context of climate migration. Frontiers in global women's health, 78.
Romanello, M., van Daalen, K., Anto, J. M., Dasandi, N., Drummond, P., Hamilton, I. G., ... & Nilsson, M. (2021). Tracking progress on health and climate change in Europe. The Lancet Public Health6(11), e858-e865.
Li, J., John, A., Tasos, E., Koerling, A. L., Rendina, C., Elshaer, A., ... & van Daalen, K. (2021). WHO simulations for youth engagement in global governance in a post-COVID world: Opportunities and challenges of moving conferences online. Journal of Global Health11.
Bouwman, A. C., van Daalen, K. R., Crnko, S., Ten Broeke, T., & Bovenschen, N. (2021). Intracellular and Extracellular Roles of Granzyme K. Frontiers in Immunology, 1630.
Wyns, A., & van Daalen, K. R. (2021). From pandemic to Paris: the inclusion of COVID-19 response in national climate commitments. The Lancet Planetary Health5(5), e256-e258.
Van Daalen, K. R., Cobain, M., Franco, O. H., & Chowdhury, R. (2021). Stigma: The social virus spreading faster than COVID-19. J Epidemiol Community Health75(4), 313-314.
Van Daalen, K. R., Bajnoczki, C., Chowdhury, M., Dada, S., Khorsand, P., Socha, A., ... & Rajan, D. (2020). Symptoms of a broken system: the gender gaps in COVID-19 decision-making. BMJ global health5(10), e003549.
Zeinali, Z., Bulc, B., Lal, A., van Daalen, K. R., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Ezzine, T., ... & Whitmee, S. (2020). A roadmap for intergenerational leadership in planetary health. The Lancet Planetary Health4(8), e306-e308.
Smith, J. N., van Daalen, K. R., & Venkatraman, R. (2020). Climate change and its potential impact on menopausal hot flashes: a commentary. Menopause27(7), 816-817.
Gabster, B. P., van Daalen, K., Dhatt, R., & Barry, M. (2020). Challenges for the female academic during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet395(10242), 1968-1970.
Van Daalen, K. R., Reijneveld, J. F., & Bovenschen, N. (2020). Modulation of inflammation by extracellular granzyme A. Frontiers in Immunology11, 931.
Bali, S., Dhatt, R., Lal, A., Jama, A., Van Daalen, K., & Sridhar, D. (2020). Off the back burner: diverse and gender-inclusive decision-making for COVID-19 response and recovery. BMJ Global Health5(5), e002595.
van Daalen, K., Jung, L., Dhatt, R., & Phelan, A. L. (2020). Climate change and gender-based health disparities. The Lancet Planetary Health4(2), e44-e45.
Van den Eynde, J., De Vos, K., Van Daalen, K. R., & Oosterlinck, W. (2020). Women and COVID-19: A One-Man Show?. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine7, 596583.
Chowdhury, R., van Daalen, K. R., & Franco, O. H. (2020). Cardiometabolic health: key in reducing adverse COVID-19 outcomes. Global heart15(1).
Iversen, K., Girard, F., Dhatt, R., van Daalen, K., Keeling, A., & Pley, C. (2019). Women's rights will drive universal health coverage. The Lancet394(10203), 1005.
Chowdhury, R., & van Daalen, K. (2019). Arsenic: a metal that might break your heart. Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging12(5), e009185.
Chowdhury, R., Lawrence, R., van Daalen, K., Hawkes, S., & Feldmann, J. (2018). Reducing NCDs globally: the under-recognised role of environmental risk factors. The Lancet392(10143), 212.