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Software Environment

All software for general purpose compute nodes at the cluster can be found at /apps/. If you need something that is not there please contact us to get it installed.

For nodes with FPGA, their software can be found at /nfs/apps.

C Compilers

In the cluster you can find these C/C++ compilers :

gcc / g++ -> GNU Compilers for C/C++

man gcc
man g++

All invocations of the C or C++ compilers follow these suffix conventions for input files:

.C, .cc, .cpp, or .cxx -> C++ source file.
.c -> C source file
.i -> preprocessed C source file
.so -> shared object file
.o -> object file for ld command
.s -> assembler source file

By default, the preprocessor is run on both C and C++ source files.

These are the default sizes of the standard C/C++ datatypes on the machine

TypeLength (bytes)
bool (c++ only)1
long double16

Xilinx suite and Vivado

For FPGA nodes, the Xilinx suite (with Vivado) is available thorugh the NFS filesystem. In the future there will probably be modules for it, but currently you have to source their environment variables directly. If you intend to use it, you should allocate a compute node (general purpose or FPGA) and then source the required files. Here is an example:

   # To request a general purpose node
salloc -N 1 -t 04:00:00 -p gpp --x11
# ----- OR -----
# To request a FPGA node
salloc -N 1 -t 04:00:00 --constraint=dmaxdma --x11

# Source one of the following Xilinx suite versions
# Version 2021.2
source /nfs/apps/XILINX/
# ----- OR -----
# Version 2022.1
source /nfs/apps/XILINX/

# Run vivado GUI

Distributed Memory Parallelism


The MEEP FPGA cluster doesn't have InfiniBand connection, so the inter-node connections are via Ethernet, that means the overhead of using MPI between nodes is higher than usual, and such we recommend limiting MPI to a single node.

To compile MPI programs it is recommended to use the following handy wrappers: mpicc, mpicxx for C and C++ source code. You need to choose the Parallel environment first: module load openmpi. These wrappers will include all the necessary libraries to build MPI applications without having to specify all the details by hand.

mpicc a.c -o a.exe
mpicxx a.C -o a.exe

Shared Memory Parallelism

OpenMP directives are supported by the GNU/PGI C and C++ compilers. To use it, the flag -fopenmp/-mp must be added to the compile line.

gcc -fopenmp -o exename filename.c
g++ -fopenmp -o exename filename.C

You can also mix MPI + OPENMP code using -fopenmp/-mp with the mpi wrappers mentioned above.