
Showing 111 - 120 results of 120

PRACE 2IP supported the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure created in April 2010 as the result of the preparatory phase PRACE project. It complemented and extended the work of the PRACE 1IP project that started in July 2010.

PRACE 2IP addressed the computational and simulation needs of European scientific...

Life Science developed into one of the largest e-Infrastructure users in Europe, in part due to the ever-growing amount of biological data. At the time of the project, modern drug design typically included both sequence bioinformatics, in silico virtual screening, and free energy calculations, e.g. of drug binding. This development has accelerated tremendously, and has put...

Large scale simulations are the third pillar of science today alongside theory and experiment. They produce scientific insights, technological advances, and solve problems in many fields of society. Their tools are high-end computers and effective software. PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing, has been created as a not for profit...

Coastal-zone oceanographic predictions seldom appraise the land discharge as a boundary condition. River fluxes are sometimes considered, but neglecting their 3D character, while the "distributed" continental run-off is not taken into consideration. Moreover, many coastal scale processes, particulary those relevant in geographical restricted domains (coasts with harbours or...

IS-ENES developed a virtual Earth System Modelling Resource Centre (v.E.R.C.), integrating the European Earth system models (ESMs) and their hardware, software, and data environments. The overarching goal of this e-infrastructure was to further integrate the European climate modelling community, to help the definition of a common future strategy, to ease the development of...

Due to technology limitations, the domain of high-performance processors is experiencing a radical shift towards parallelism through on-chip multi-cores and chip customization leading to heterogeneous multi-core systems.

Furthermore, the commodity market, the supercomputing market and the embedded market are increasingly sharing the same challenges,...

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has identified High Performance Computing (HPC) as a strategic priority for Europe. Supercomputers are an indispensable tool to solve the most challenging problems through simulations. If Europe is to remain competitive internationally scientists and engineers must be provided with access to capability computers...

ITER is the next generation of fusion devices and is intended to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion as a sustainable energy source for the future. To exploit the full potential of the device and to guarantee optimal operation for the device a high degree of physics modelling and simulation is needed already in the current construction phase of the...

The European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility addresses an important need of European science and technology by providing experimental, industrial and other researchers with access to state-of-the-art computer simulation tools for electronic excited states in matter, together with high-quality support from ETSF personnel, mirroring the massive progress in the power and...

Because of its apparent strengths in providing access to distributed resources, and coordinating their activities towards an overall objective, Grid computing has considerable potential to contribute substantially to the competitiveness of both commercial and non-commercial organisations. At the time of the BREIN project launch, most current Grid solutions were still not able...
