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The Mont-Blanc project aims to develop a European Exascale approach leveraging on commodity power-efficient embedded technologies. The project has developed a HPC system software stack on ARM, and will deploy the first integrated ARM-based HPC prototype by 2014, and is also working on a set of 11 scientific applications to be ported and tuned to the prototype system.

Several research communities in Europe exploit e-Infrastructures, sharing data and computing resources with Grid and Supercomputing technology. However the inherent complexity of these technologies has limited their wider adoption and their long term sustainability: designing, developing and operating a computing infrastructure for an e-Science community remains challenging...

El programa Consolider – Ingenio 2010 persigue conseguir la excelencia investigadora aumentando la cooperación entre investigadores y formando grandes grupos de investigación. El proyecto Supercomputacion y e-Ciencia, que se puso en marcha en 2008 y finaliza este año, tiene como objetivo avanzar en el ámbito de la supercomputación...