
Showing 1 - 10 results of 148

A number of European leading Research Organizations (referred as RTOs hereafter) and research supporting organizations, with a long history of scientific and technology collaboration with Japan, are building a consortium for a proposal focusing on the development of joint High Performance Computing (HPC) applications for future generations of supercomputing...

EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is deploying a European-wide High-performance Computing infrastructure, comprising a number of supercomputers, that range from small petascale, to large high-end pre-exascale and exascale systems, topping the relevant global rankings.

To date, part of the responsibilities of the Hosting Entities is the provision of support...

The number and diversity of embedded FPGA SoC (System On Chip) in modern satellites is increasing and so it is the complexity and cost to use them efficiently and safely. With the emergence of these platforms, software architects and developers are facing increasingly difficult challenges to (i) optimize the deployment of software to efficiently use the available resources,...

The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications.The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE, was initiated in October 2015with the fundamental purpose of assisting a broad community of HPC application developers and users in both science and...

The project EoCoE-III (Energy-oriented Centre of Excellence for Exascale HPC applications) applies cutting-edge computational methods in its mission to foster the transition to decarbonized energy in Europe. The present project will draw the experience of two successful previous projects...

Training of European HPC users is of utmost importance to maximise the exploitation of the highly ambitious investments in research and infrastructure of the EuroHPC JU roadmap.

The HPC SPECTRA project will address two timely challenges of EuroHPC JUs training strategy: developing an innovative EuroHPC Training Platform and co-organising the...

The world has entered the era of ubiquitous High Performance Computing (HPC), where massive data sets and their associated computation impact all facets of modern life. However, while new software frameworks enable very high programmer productivity, ironically, all of the rich semantics from the algorithms are stripped away when applications run on the hardware, forcing...

Aerosols constitute an important component in the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere, and concretely of the atmospheric radiative balance and cloud formation, and yet the uncertainties about aerosols concentrations and distributions, and about their life cycle are considerable.

The recent advances in numerical modeling developments, observational...

New architectures for Exascale and post-Exascale computers will have massively parallel and heterogeneous processing capabilities that will require the complete redesign and reimplementation of the used algorithms to fully exploit the possibilities of these supercomputers. The objective of the Inno4scale project is to promote the efficient use of European HPC systems by...

La e-Ciencia, entendida como el procedimiento científico innovador basado en métodos de investigación intensivos en computación o datos, seestá imponiendo como el paradigma por excelencia. La mayor capacidad de las e-Infraestructuras actuales, la adquisición y generación masivade datos, junto con el desarrollo de nuevos...
