ArcticXchange: Exchanging knowledge and co-producing climate services with reindeer herders and Arctic communities (

Status: Finished Start:

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ArcticXchange will apply a transdisciplinary framework for knowledge co-production with the long-term objective to develop a climate service addressed to reindeer herders. During the project, we will co-develop a case study for reindeer husbandry in Lapland, understood as a proof-of-concept of the added value of climate services for this community. Different steps for the development of the case study will include:

  • identifying an event of interest with the project s stakeholder (reindeer herder in Finnish Lapland) and understanding the current decision-making strategy and the information needs of reindeer herders to frame the particular decision that the climate service could advise;
  • defining suitable climate variables and/or indices related to the decision and analyse the quality of climate forecasts; and
  • co-developing a case study document as a way to transfer knowledge about the opportunities that climate services could provide to reindeer herders communities.

The case study will be understood as a proof-of-concept of how quality-assured climate services can provide actionable knowledge to Arctic communities. Special emphasis will be put in the communication and dissemination of the case study to stakeholders external to the project through different activities, including a roundtable discussion aimed at facilitating the dialog between science, policy and local & indigenous communities (Reindeer Herders Association in Finland, reindeer herder cooperatives of Palojärvi, Näkkälä and Kemin-Sompio).
