Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has participated in the Mexican International Renewable Energy Conference (MEXIREC) on September 12th in Mexico City. MEXIREC has been organized by the Government of Mexico, within the framework of the Strategic Dialogues on the Future of Energy (DEMEX).
This event has started with a speech of the BSC Engineering Department (CASE) Director, José María Cela, talking about the relevance of supercomputing in energy industry. Afterwards, Jeff Roberts (HPC4MFG), Horst Simon (NERSC), David Skinner (NERSC) and the BSC Director Mateo Valero have been discussing about supercomputing for energy industry and its strategies at the Panel of Experts.
Finally, Mateo Valero and Ulises Cortés from BSC and Carlos Ortiz and Jorge Márquez from Mexican Secretariat of Energy (Sener) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for promoting a Mexican Supercomputing Center for Energy (CENSCE).
More information: DEMEX; MEXIREC