BSC researcher Pol Forn-Díaz, awarded MISTI Seed Fund

17 January 2018

BSC researcher Pol Forn-Díaz has been awarded the MIT International Science and Technology Initiative Seed Fund, together with MIT Professor William D. Oliver and Dr. Simon Gustavsson for the project titled “Multi-Qubit Couplings in Superconducting Quantum Circuits”. The 20,000 USD grant is awarded by the MIT-Spain – “La Caixa” Foundation. This grant will be used to exchange students between both institutions and to organize visits to MIT and BSC to attend to workshops about the project.
The project funded consists in the development of part of the chip architecture to build a superconducting quantum processor. Pol Forn-Díaz is the leader of the experimental team of the recently created QUANTIC group at BSC. The group is led by Prof. J. I. Latorre (UB/BSC) who also leads the theory team. QUANTIC has been initiated to construct a quantum processor that will operate at BSC.
The award will strengthen the already existing collaboration between the BSC and
MIT groups in their project to build a superconducting quantum processor.

About MIT-SPAIN ”la Caixa” Foundation SEED FUND

The purpose of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is to foster knowledge and research in science, technology and other areas that serve to confront the great challenges of the 21st century. The ”la Caixa” Banking Foundation, aware of the potential of MIT, has set up, in collaboration with this institution, the MIT-SPAIN ”la Caixa” Foundation SEED FUND call for projects.
Through an annual call for proposals, the
MIT-SPAIN ”la Caixa” Foundation SEED FUND provides grants with the aim of supporting research projects carried out jointly between Spanish universities and research groups and MIT research groups.
This call for proposals aims to boost cooperation between faculty, researchers and students in Spain and those from MIT. All Spanish non-profit research centres and universities can enter the call for proposals, in collaboration with one or more research groups at MIT.

Further information here.