Urban Semantic Model

BSC Group: CASE Software
Ontology that reflects and connects mobility, energy, and integrated infrastructures.
- Developed under GrowSmarter project https://grow-smarter.eu/fileadmin/editor-upload/Smart/Factsheet_29__Urban_Models__Barcelona.pdf
- To develop the ontology we used the free and open source ontology editor Protege 4.3 (http://protege.stanford.edu/) (BSD 2-clause license)
- To be licensed to UTE CityOS (habitaturba.bcn.cat/blog/es/barcelona-adjudica-el-city-os-el-sistema-operatiu-de-ciutat-que-permetra-una-gestio-urbana-integral)
Software Author: 
Jorge García, Mª Cristina Marinescu

Eclipse Public License

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Eclipse Public License (Latest Version)

Urban Semantic Model

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