Seminarios anteriores
This workshop, supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network, is dedicated to getting together combustion researchers across the country, and share experiences and issues related to the modelling of combustion systems.
Scientific Workshop supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network
In this lecture, organised in collaboration with UPC, Dr Vargas will explore the key challenges and opportunities for data management in the new scientific world, and discuss how a possible data centric artificial intelligence community can best contribute to these exciting domains.
In the Big Data era, due to the ever-growing graph scale and algorithm complexity, several distributed graph processing frameworks have attracted many interests from both academia and industry. In this talk, will be investigated how to achieve the trade-off between performance and cost for large scale graph processing on the Cloud.
Next Generation Sequencing technology needs to be intimately linked to supercomputing to be able to process and store all the massive generated data. This is a scientific workshop supported by the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
Fast content-based searches and complex analytics of the vast amount of data collected via social media, cell phones, ubiquitous smart sensors, and satellites is likely to be the biggest economic driver for the IT industry over the next decade. A cheaper and cooler alternative to large clusters which provides high-performance, high-capacity, scalable random-access flash storage, and allows computation near the data via FPGA-based programmable flash controllers will be presented.
In this talk, a structured approach to the management of HPC resilience using the concept of resilience-based design patterns will be presented. A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem. The authors identify the commonly occurring problems and solutions used to deal with faults, errors and failures in HPC systems.
Prof. Christoph Schär uses emerging heterogeneous supercomputing architectures to accomplish limited-area weather and climate model simulations such as COSMO that is able to run entirely on GPUs (rather than CPUs). Please join us for his presentation on Tuesday March 28th at 12.00, room C6-E101.
This lecture is for BSC staff only. In this talk Prof. Sifakis will discuss rigorous system design as a formal and accountable process leading from requirements to correct-by-construction implementations.