SGR 2021 INCONBI: Integrative Computational Network Biology (INCONBI)


Prof. Dr. Natasa Przulj has made outstanding contributions to the field of network science. She is the inventor of graphlets, a methodology now utilized in many algorithms. She initiated extraction of biomedical knowledge from the wiring patterns (topology) of complex and large molecular (omic) networks. Her recent work includes designing machine learning methods, mostly based on non-negative matrix tri-factorization, for fusion of heterogeneous biomedical data, applied to advancing biomedical knowledge and precision medicine.

She received more than 15.6 million in competitive research funding, including three of the most prestigious, single-PI, European Research Council (ERC) grants: 1.6M ERC Starting, 2M ERC Consolidator and an ERC Proof of Concept. Her publications have been cited 11,200 times, she has h-index of 47 and i10-index of 71. She has been elected to several academies, including Academia Europea. She is a Founder and Director of startup, Graphlet Technologies.
