SORS: Analysis of the processes influencing atmospheric composition by combining measurement data and numerical modeling
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Abstract: The composition of our atmosphere results from a complex interplay of various processes, including emissions, deposition, transport, chemical reactions, and phase transformations. Aerosol particles and gases are closely interconnected and exert influence on the concentrations of atmospheric oxidants, pollutants, radiatively active species, clouds, and climate. Both observations and numerical modeling are essential for understanding our atmosphere, with the latter providing a theoretical framework for comprehending atmospheric dynamics.
Short Bio: Dr. Andrea Pozzer (male) is the group leader of the modelling group in the Atmospheric Chemistry department at the Max Planck Institute. He obtained his PhD in 2007 at the University of Mainz. Between 2008 and 2011 he was associated scientist at the Cyprus Institute (Nicosia, Cyprus) and in 2012 researcher at International Center for Theoretical Phsyics in Tirest (Italy). Since 2012 he is group leader of the modelling group, with special focus on global modelling and observations / field campaign analysis. In 2022 he became adjunct associate professor at the Cyprus Institute.
Speaker: Dr. Andrea Pozzer (male), group leader of the modelling group in the Atmospheric Chemistry department at the Max Planck Institute
Host: Oriol Jorba, Earth Sciences Department, BSC