PRACE 2IP: PRACE-Second Implementation Phase Project
PRACE 2IP supported the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure created in April 2010 as the result of the preparatory phase PRACE project. It complemented and extended the work of the PRACE 1IP project that started in July 2010.
PRACE 2IP addressed the computational and simulation needs of European scientific communities to keep them at the forefront of discovery. Our vision was the formation of an integrated HPC ecosystem of facilities and services enabling researchers to realise the full potential of computational science within the supportive environment of the European Research Area.
Building on the implementation work of the preceding PRACE and DEISA projects, PRACE 2IP enabled seamless access to HPC systems and services at the Tier-0 and Tier-1 level to users, regardless of their country of work. This provides the means and motivation to undertake ambitious, ground-breaking computational science. In particular, DEISA-like services will be integrated into the ecosystem.
Applications enabling expertise will support researchers in code development, optimisation and petascaling to help them make effective use of the Tier-0 and Tier-1 systems. Training and dissemination activities ensured that European scientists have the knowledge and the skills enabling them to take full advantage of the facilities on offer. Through collaboration with technology providers and vendors, novel architectures, systems and technologies were evaluated to ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of HPC and that the future needs of the research community are understood and met. Targeted research activities investigated possible solutions to challenges in programmability and scalability of future multi-petaflop systems.
PRACE 2IP has considerably strengthened and deepened the co-operation between HPC centres, funding bodies and research communities in a mutually beneficial partnership to enhance European scientific competitiveness.