High Performance Innovation Conference
09:00h Registration
09:30h Welcome address. Sergi Girona, Director Operations, RES Manager, BSC
09:35h Competence Centres in HPC. Their role in European innovation. Bastian Koller, HLRS, Stuttgart, Germany
10:10h The Centres of Excellence in HPC. Chair: Sergi Girona, Director Operations, RES Manager, BSC
10:15h Software availability for computational biomedicine. BIOEXCEL Josep Ll. Gelpí, INB Computational platform, Team Leader. Life Sciences Department, BSC
10:35h Simulating the effect of personalised medical treatments and interventions. COMPBIOMED Mariano Vázquez, High Performance Computational Mechanics Group Manager, CASE, BSC
10:55h Predicting techniques for global hazards, earthquakes and volcanos. CHEESE Arnau Folch, Environmental Simulations Group Manager, CASE, BSC
11:15h Coffee break
11:35h Towards exascale for low carbon energy. EOCOE Herbert Owen, Director Wind for Energy Scientific Challenge, CASE, BSC
11:55h Enabling European weather and climate models to leverage the performance of pre-exascale systems. ESIWACE Kim Serradell, Computational Earth Sciences Group Leader, Earth Sciences Department, BSC
12:15h Millions to hundreds of millions of simulations are needed to optimise the properties and performances of a material or a device. MAX Rogeli Grima, Senior Researcher, CASE, BSC
12:35h Seeking further efficiency and scalability by standing on the shoulders of performance analysis. POP Marta Garcia, Best practices for Performance and Programmability Activity Leader, Computer Sciences Dept., BSC
13:05h Exascale-enabling technologies for Engineering Applications. EXCELLERAT Daniel Mira, Senior Researcher, CASE, BSC
13:25h Q&A
13:45h Closing