Mostrando 1 - 10 de 15
13 Sep 2023
17th RES Users Conference
Ubicación: The 17th USERS CONFERENCE will take place in the Auditorium of the Vertex building, in the North Campus of the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya and close to the Barcelona Supercomputing Center facilities.The 17th USERS CONFERENCE will bring together supercomputing users to share knowledge and experience in the use of HPC.
16 Sep 2020
14th RES Users Conference
FormaciónUbicación: Due to the current situation caused by the COVID-19, the 14th RES Users Conference is going to be an online event. This approach will help to develop a more sustainable event and also to avoid possible cancellations due to the threat of the pandemia.The 14th USERS CONFERENCE gathers RES users to share knowledge and experiences on the use of HPC.
18 Sep 2019
13th RES Users' Meeting
Ubicación: Patio de la Infanta(Fundació Ibercaja): C/San Ignacio de Loyola, 16, 50001, Zaragoza.La reunión de usuarios es un evento anual dirigido a todos los usuarios actuales y potenciales de los recursos de supercomputación ofrecidos por la RES.
20 Sep 2018
12th RES Users' Meeting & 7th HPC Advisory Council Conference
Ubicación: The event will take place in the facilities of ADEIT-UV (Fundació Universitat Empresa de la Universitat de València): Plaza Virgen de la Paz 3, València.The RES Users’ Conference is an annual event addressed to all the current and potential users of the HPC resources from the Spanish Supercomputing Network.
28 Sep 2017
11th RES Users' Meeting & 6th HPC Advisory Council Conference
Ubicación: The meeting will take place in the facilities of the Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) and in the Instituto de Investigaciones Agrobiológicas de Galicia (CSIC), in Santiago de Compostela.The RES Users’ Conference is an annual event addressed to all the current and potential users of the HPC resources of the Spanish Supercomputing Network.
20 Sep 2016
10th RES Users'Conference & 5th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference
FormaciónUbicación: Parador de León,Pza. de San Marcos, 7 24001 León -
22 Sep 2015
9th RES Users'Conference & 4th HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference
FormaciónUbicación: Campus Diagonal Nord A3 Building Jordi Girona, 1-3 E-08034 Barcelona Meeting Room Aula Master (Map of the building location) -
23 Sep 2014
8th Users' Conference & 3rd HPC AC Conference
FormaciónUbicación: Meeting room: Aula Magna Building: Facultad de Ciencias University of Cantabria Avda. de los Castros, s/n E-39005 Santander Cantabria (SPAIN) -
12 Sep 2013
7th RES Users'Conference & 2nd Annual HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2013
FormaciónUbicación: Campus Diagonal Nord A3 Building Jordi Girona, 1-3 E-08034 Barcelona Meeting Room Aula Master (Map of the building location) -
12 Sep 2012
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