Mostrando 101 - 110 de 154
04 Jul 2016
PATC Course: Introduction to CUDA Programming
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208 -
13 May 2016
PATC Course: Programming ARM based Prototypes
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208, Vertex Building -
11 May 2016
PATC Course: Heterogeneous Programming on GPUs with MPI + OmpSs
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208, Vertex Building -
09 May 2016
PATC Course: Performance Analysis and Tools
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208, Vertex Building -
11 Apr 2016
PATC Course: Systems Workshop: Programming MareNostrum III
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208, Vertex building -
14 Mar 2016
PATC Course: Simulation Environments for Life Sciences
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VX208, Vertex building -
16 Feb 2016
PATC Course: HPC-based simulations, Engineering and Environment
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VX208, Vertex building -
08 Feb 2016
PATC Course: Big Data Analytics
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VX208, Vertex building -
04 Feb 2016
PATC Course: Programming Distributed Computing Platforms with COMPSs
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VX208, Vertex Building -
01 Feb 2016
PATC Course: Petaflop System Administration; Marenostrum III
FormaciónUbicación: The course will take place in Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, within the UPC Campus Nord premises. Room VS208, Vertex Building