Mostrando 21 - 30 de 69
07 Mar 2023
Women in science session: From the Top Secret Rosies to women in HPC
FormaciónUbicación: In person. VS208 room, Vèrtex Building, Campus Nord UPC. BarcelonaThis session is organized by BioExcel, BSC and PerMedCoE with the collaboration of ACM-W, Women in HPC, B4W WiCS.
16 Feb 2023
Hybrid SORS/Bioinfo4Women/Life Sessions: Benchmarking of long-read transcriptomics methods; results and insights from the LRGASP project
FormaciónUbicación: Auditorium BSC- Repsol building and over zoom with required registration. -
15 Feb 2023
BSC Life Science Open Day 2023 by Bioinfo4Women
Ubicación: BSC, Plaça d'Eusebi Güell 1-3, Barcelona.Discover the work done by women bioinformaticians and visit the BSC supercomputing facilities, including MareNostrum 4, the most powerful supercomputer in Spain, and the site of the future MareNostrum 5 currently being installed.
16 Jan 2023
Hybrid SORS/Bioinfo4Women Seminar/WiCS: Responsible AI: what is it and why care?
FormaciónUbicación: Sala d'Actes de la FiB (B6 Building, Campus Nord) and over Zoom with required registration. -
15 Dec 2022
Hybrid BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: Decoding the epitranscriptome at single molecule resolution
FormaciónUbicación: Room 1-2-1 BSC Repsol Building and zoom with required registration -
22 Sep 2022
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: New Approaches for Phylogenetic Species Tree Estimation
FormaciónUbicación: Virtual seminar via zoom, with required registration -
21 Jul 2022
Hybrid BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: Love, Money, Fame, Nudge: Enabling Data-intensive BioScience through Digital Infrastructure Nudging
FormaciónUbicación: Hybrid seminar: Sala d'Actes de la FiB and zoom, with required registration -
04 Jul 2022
Hybrid BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: Towards controlled protein design with deep unsupervised models
FormaciónUbicación: Hybrid seminar: Sala d'Actes de la FiB and zoom, with required registration -
23 Jun 2022
Virtual BSC RS/Life Session/BioInfo4Women Seminar: The challenge of rationally predicting distal activity-enhancing mutations in computational enzyme design
FormaciónUbicación: Virtual seminar via zoom, with required registration -
26 May 2022
Hybrid BSC RS/Life Session/Bioinfo4Women: Sex and gender differences in brain and mental health: Selected use cases on how to tackle them and Sex and gender bias in artificial intelligence for health
FormaciónUbicación: 1-3-2 Training Room, BSC Repsol Building and streaming