PATC Systems Workshop: Programming MareNostrum III

Date: 16/Apr/2015 Time: 09:00 - 17/Apr/2015 Time: 14:00


The course will take place in
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre,
within the UPC Campus Nord premises.

Room VS 218, Vertex building - green on the map

Target group: Level: ITERMEDIATE: for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge; those who finished the beginners course Prerequisites:  Any potential user of a HPC infrastructure will be welcome

Cost: There is no registration fee. The attendees would need to cover the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals.

Primary tabs

Thursday – 16th April 2015/ 9am - 5pm
09:00 Introduction to BSC, PRACE PATC and this training - David Vicente
09:30 MareNostrum III – the view from System administration group - Javier Bartolomé
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Visualization at BSC - Carlos Tripiana
11:30 How to use MareNostrum3: BASIC Things, BATCH system, Filesystems, Compilers, Modules, DT, DL, BSC commands - Miguel Bernabeu, Borja Arias
12:15 Hands-on I - Miguel Bernabeu, Borja Arias
13:00 Lunch (not hosted)
14:30 How to use MN3 – Advanced I MPI implementations (PR), MPI IO (PR), Tuning MPI values for different applications (DV)  - Pablo Ródenas, Janko Strassburg, David Vicente
15:15 Hands-on II - Pablo Ródenas, David Vicente
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 How to use MN3 – Advanced II GREASY (PR), MIC (JR), Mathematical libraries MKL (JR) - Pablo Ródenas, Jorge Rodríguez
17:00 End of the first day

Friday – 16th April 2015/ 9am - 1:30pm
09:00 You choose! - MareNostrum III visit (In the chapel) - Doubts + Hands ON + Tunning your app (In the classroom) - David Vicente, Jorge Rodríguez
09:30 How can I get resources from you? - RES Jorge Rodríguez
10:00 How can I get Resources from you? - PRACE Janko Strassburg
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Use case: Genomics - Miguel Bernabeu
11:25 Tuning applications   BSC performance tools (Extrae and Paraver) - BSC Tools Team
12:00 Hands-on III – Performance tools and tunning your application - BSC Tools Team
13:00 Wrap-up : Can we help you in your porting ? How ? when ? - David Vicente
13:30 End of the course