Migration of Cluster Slurm+Moab to Slurm 2.3

Data: 27/Mar/2012 Time: 09:00

Place: Edificio I+D, University of Zaragoza
Mariano Esquillor, s/n
Campus Río Ebro
50018 Zaragoza

Primary tabs

27th March, 2012
09.00h – Migration process and upgrade: SLURM 1.2 + MOAB: News, migration to 2.3 Slurm
13.00h – Lunch break
14.00h – Modification of accounting and configuration scripts
16.00h – Modifications in user management
18.00h – End of the first day of seminar

28th March, 2012
09.00h – Modifications in user management
11.00h  - Tutorial on new commands and its usage
14.00h – End of the seminar