2nd HPAC Platform Training
Neuroscience research has become increasingly interdisciplinary in recent years. New imaging technologies deliver ultra-high resolution images, and new simulator technology enable scientists to simulate larger and more detailed neural networks. Such data can no longer be analysed and such simulations can no longer be run solely on a user’s computer in the office: clusters, supercomputers and good data management strategies have become indispensable.
During this 2nd HPAC Platform Training Event we will give an introduction to the resources, tools and services provided by the High Performance Analytics and Computing (HPAC) Platform and by the Fenix infrastructure. The different options to get access to High-Performance Computing (HPC) and data resources, as well as how to use Fenix resources and services in workflows will be presented, including sessions on how to transfer between HPC sites and how to access resources from Jupyter notebooks in the HBP Collaboratory. The participants will get an overview of the visualization tools available in the HBP. The simulator NEST, for models with point-neurons will be introduced, including more in-depth sessions introducing NEST Desktop, NESTML and an outlook to NEST 3. Another session will deal with the coupling of the simulators NEST and TVB.
The agenda of this 2nd HPAC Training is aligned with the programme of the other events taking place in parallel so that participants of one event can also attend some sessions of the other events that are also relevant for them.
Some sessions of this training are organised by the HBP High-Level Support Team (HLST). The services offered by the HLST can be found here: HLST website
- If you already have an HBP account, you can directly access registration via the registration button.
Please use your HBP credentials to log in. - If you do not have an account yet, you will need to create a (free) HBP Community account, which also allows you access to the infrastructure demonstrated during the event. Please follow one of the options below to receive an invitation:
- If you are not an HBP member, request an invitation by sending a short email to support@humanbrainproject.eu.
- If you are an HBP member, please contact your SP manager.
- You can also be invited by a current HBP account holder.
- After sending your request, you will receive an invitation to join the HBP Collaboratory and create an account. Use your log-in details to access the registration after clicking the button below.
Registration deadline: 31 October 2019
Please note that registration for the 2nd HPAC Training is mandatory.
Academic Staff
Sandra Diaz Pier, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Jochen Eppler, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Håkon Mørk, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Charl Linssen, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Anna Lührs, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Stefan Rotter, Bernstein Center Freiburg, Germany
Bernd Schuller, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Sebastian Spreizer, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Alex Upton, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Sandra Mata Fernández, URJC, Spain