Amanda Frigola Boix

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I am a postdoctoral scientist working on high resolution modelling within the STREAM and European Eddy Rich Earth System Models (EERIE) ( projects. High resolution climate models allow for an accurate representation of ocean eddies, fine scale structures that shape ocean circulation and affect climate worldwide. My current task is the development of a comprehensive set of diagnostics to characterize the mean climate and biases of the ocean in a large ensemble of models that will allow us to identify improvements in high-resolution simulations.

Before joining BSC, I did my PhD in paleoclimate modelling at MARUM (Bremen) as a Marie Curie fellow. The project focused on the Middle Miocene Climate transition (MMCT), a major cooling step around 14 million years ago. In my thesis I gathered a complete set of boundary conditions, including global paleotopography, bathymetry, and vegetation, which can be used as a base for a wide range of Middle Miocene modelling studies. In addition to that, I simulated the MMCT with a global climate model (CCSM3), assessing changes in ocean circulation originated from major Antarctic ice-sheet expansion and atmospheric CO2 drawdown, one of the main triggers of this transition.


My background includes a degree in mathematics by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and a MSc in meteorology by the University of Barcelona.